Capoeira, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Vale Tudo, Breakdance, Books, Music, Games, All Kinds of Mobile Active Stuff. I play Berimbau ( A single stringed musical insturment often lumped in the "tribal" category.) And I am slowly learning rythems for hand drumming.. but I tend to get excited and speed up when I should not.
New training partners, friends to club with, cool people in general, and anyone else interesting.
Capoeira Music, Hip-Hop, Jungle, Drum N Bass, Hard House, Various other Electronica, Actually About Anything. I find that I really enjoy music. Oh yeah and REGGATON!
Boondock Saints, Madagascar, Brotherhood of the Wolf, 13th Warrior. Lots of Others
CSI, National Geographic Channel, Discovery Channel.
Good Omens, Harry Potter, LOTR (really any of Tolkien's Work) C.S. Lewi,s Anything by James Rollins, Anything by Matt Reilly. Really anything with text and a good plot =P
Again Lots. Some stand out though. My Teamates on Tuco O Tapa, Team Oxendine, and Team Moab for being warriors in a world where we are fast becoming extinct. My Grandfather for teaching me what it is to be a self-made man. My Mother for instilling in me a drive to survive and succeed no matter what obstacles may present themselves. My Father for being the biggest supporter I could ever hope for.