Flying, Boating, Reading, Biking, Japanese Literature, Folklore and Tales of the World
Short, Wooden beings, who operate via strings and hand movements. Aliens, cute puppies and kittens, acoustic guitar players, mandolin players, boatbuildersYou lot from around the world
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Iron and Wine, Decemberists, Be Good Tanyas, Film School, SMOOSH, Jesse Sykes and the Sweet Hereafter, The Turn-Ons, The Long Winters, Postal Service, Death Cab, Yo La Tengo, Shivaree, SilverSun Pickups, Laura Viers, Juana Molina, ClapYourHandsSayYeah, Band of Horses, Black Angels, The High Violets
I HATE TV, but what the hell: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Frontline, BBC stuff, Mr. Bean, Good Neighbours, Seinfeld, King od the Hill, SIMPSONS, that's about it. The rest of TV is a wasteland, go read a book.
Japanese Lit (Kodansha and Tuttle), books on boatbuilding, Folklore