the worst part of getting older is the terrible moment when you realize your mutant powers would have kicked in by now
The other night I met this incoherent drunk traveling kid who decided I was quote unquote "poke-able". It was awesome. Later on though he came up introduced himself and said the same thing. You think you're special for a second and then you realize he's saying that to all the girls or at least to all the yous. You reach out to people and they just let you down.
Hey, do you want to stop lying on the floor? Then you are not listening to anything on my ipod.
Hey, speaking of strawberries, I recently had an allergic reaction for the first time since I was like three. I was grazing for snacks and had some of those fruit-y snack-y type things. They actually had fruit in them. Beware. Also I think I might be allergic to theaters. Every time somebody wants to actually go out to see a movie lately I get cranky and also potentially rash-y. At least that's the theory I'm trying out.
When I was like 12 a grip of us got wrangled by someone's mom into doing a public access show on "preteen Issues". They still rerun it. I remember there was one about the evils of smoking and I'm pretty sure we all learned a valuable lesson.
I'm re-reading everything right now. Except Lolita. I was so excited I brought it with me to read on my breaks at work. Not a good plan. Ugh. Top three favorite book. Still... Not. A. Good. Plan.
Joseph Jose S. Every time. Quote: I'm just some mexican kid, and they treat me like the second coming of yoda.