** For an oldie he really gets around!/He takes vitamins.~..Frankie/MaryAnn describing the professor(Beach Party) ** ..
Please, drop the Captcha requirement if you'd like me to comment back- once i see captcha's - that's the end of the comment..
"Dance- swing- live kids- Remember that tomarrow may be the day after today ...Swing-Live-Dance - i will walk among you"...Big Daddy(Beach Party) *** (Watcha Doin's Gettin To Me) Don't Stop Now! ! !.~(Remember the Artist?)song:DON'T STOP NOW~ Artist: Frankie Avalon(Beach Party) **********************************
(notes) Any danceable beats, Clubs in CaNcOOn ! ! ! (everynite)/Artists in friends Playlist.com
(4 balls) Action movies-see friends list The Crystal Ball...ask and receive your answer ~ spirel end
* I've run into a few exceptionally well designed profiles 60's style/60'sChick&hearts has a most impressive collage'- ~Doc ps, & ~Baby Boomer~ has a great 50's design themehttp://www.myspace.com/elvisistops/ is an Excellent "E" tribute page ...make new friends! View this-a must see to believe ! *
(God) (Godend) The Bible/James Van Praagh-(all)/John Edward-Crossing Over/must reads
Grew up with these influences...(any ring-a-bell? ? ?): Jesus/ Lassie/ RinTinTin/ Gunsmoke(cast)/ Rifleman(ChuckConners)/ Rawhide(cast)/ Bat Masterson/ Casey Jones/ RealMcCoys(cast)/ Hanna-Barbara/ Looney-Tunes/ Popeye/ SoupySales(20,000+PiesInTheFace!)/ LoveThatBob(BobCummings)/ MightyMouse/ Superman(GeorgeReeves)/ MrPeepers(WallyCox)/ OurMissBrooks/ SkyKing/ Bela-Lagosi/ SheriLewis/ RomperRoomTeacher/ BobBarker/ PatBoone/ ChubbyCheckers/ TriniLopez/ AndrewSisters(Sugartime)/ LennonSisters/ LawrenceWelk/ Chiffons/ Shirrels/ KingstonTrio/ Fabian(WildOne)/ Frankie&Annette's(6movieCasts)/ TheRats(EricVonZipper)/ BeachBoys/ Beatles/ VincentPrice/ MarxBros./ Lauren&Hardy/ BobbyDarren/ BobbyRydel/ Martin&Lewis/ KeystoneCops/ GeorgeBurns &Gracie/JackBenny(cast)/ WaltDisney/ Mouseketteers(cast)/ BuddyRich(drummer)/ FatsDomino/ JackieGleason(cast)/ LucilleBall/ MyThreeSons(cast)/ LeaveItToBeaver(cast)/ FatherKnowsBest(cast)/ MickeyMantle/ SandyKofax/ JohnF.Kennedy/ Elvis/ Lettermen/ TheBigTop(cast)/ DerekFlint/ 007(ShanConnery)/ Elvira/ LostInSpace(cast)/ WhirleyBirds(cast)/ Gumby/ EdSullivan/ SmothersBrothers/ Bozo/ ChuckO(theBirthdayClown)/ Beenie&Cecil/ Car54WhereAreYou(cast)/ TheJetsons/ JohnWayne/ RicochetRabbit/ RobinHood/ JeepersCreepers(FridayniteScaryMovies)/ MartyRobbins/ TennesseeErnieFord/ ParkerBrothers(games)/ MiltonBradley(games)/ Laurel&Hardy(WhosOnFirst)/ Buster Keaton/ RachaelWelch/ TomJones/ LainieKazaan/ PaulWenchal&JerryMahony/ RobertPreston/ Flicka/ ThreeStooges/ CarolBurnett(cast)/ Honeymooners(cast)/ SherriLewis/ JackLaLane/ HaleyMills/ RayStevens/ Twiggy/ TheMunsters/ TheAddamsFamily/ Zorro/ Beatles!-add to the list if youre from my era...(Wink)