Straight out of Northern California, we're The Poopers. The city of Redding is the next Seattle; the birthplace of the new musical revolution. And we may or may not be a certain, unspecified percentage of the driving force of that revolution. Make sure your socks and other peripheral accessories are firmly on your body, for they are at severe risk of being rocked off! Actually, you'd better pay close attention to your pants, too, for while they are more securely attached to your body, they are at equal, or possibly even greater risk of being thoroughly rocked off. When we're not pwning noobs, we're rockin'. I like to think that we're 19% Barkie and the Fizzlers, 15% meatPotato, 7.5% VESQUIDDLL (Vegetative Equatorial Simoans Questioning Under Innadequate Desperation-Driven Language Libidos), 5.4% VS (VESQUIDDLL Sucks), 11% Pink Alumni, 14% BadgerPower, 6% Love Bizzle, 3% Rotn Froot, 8% 4Puppets, 0.1% Derdy Dypers 6% Love (the band, not the thing), and 5% love (the thing).Bad Kitty CDs on sale now! Check blog for ordering info.