Being interesting for at least five minute intervals.
Rootbeer. Others with interest in writing and rootbeer. Rootbeer related writings.
People who flash thier boobs to cameramen. Raindrops. Hangovers. Pumpkin Pie. Jellyfish. Matte. Word Origins. Muppets. The History of towns I've lived in. TBC.
no one... no where... no how. Know how? No? No.
Peter! Peter!
I'm the idio-
it who got there
before he was there
Dancing the dance before the dj
set up the speakers
Cheater! Cheater!
All I remember is someone's spit on my face
And not knowing which head it belonged to.
Peter. Peter.
I need some advice.
You know I'd rather be drinking.
I'm off TV for 10 days.
This is difficult for me to say. I don't know how to read. But if I could "To Kill a Mockingbird" is still one of the best out there. As is "Neuromancer".
General Issac Brock, who saved British North America from the Yankees way back in 1812. Shot and killed by an American sniper as he led a second charge of Queenston Hieghts. The sniper felt so bad he sent a letter of remorse to the British Army.