-Joe- profile picture


i live and breathe music: tune y'harps to m'farts!

About Me

Salutations homeslice. I'm Joe. Recognise!
I was born n' breastfed on the Wirral, which y'may remember from those "Gonorrhea Weekly" pamphlets knockin' round your GP waiting room. We pride ourselves on it. Luckily I have fled the epidemic and now reside in Liverpool in a six person flat that whiffs of curry and poo. Yummers!
My life revolves around music. And peanut butter. But chiefly music.
As a guitarist, I'm taking the BA (Hons) Music degree at LIPA, which will one day spread to become the fearsome nation of New Norway.
PTEROPILOT (www.myspace.com/pteropilot) is my project with the ever talented Mr Adam "Toke Dat Pipe" Grocott, who supplies the beats/frequent releases of rectal gas.
More recently, I've weaseled my way into CONNECTINGFLIGHT (www.myspace.com/connectingflight), a fucking awesome band that i now play bass for.
I'm the baby in ALWAYS THE QUIET ONES(www.myspace.com/alwaysthequietonesband)and am still failing to say their names right.
Extended Banner Editor MySpace Editor MySpace Layouts Glitter Graphics MySpace

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

She'll do nicely


A PERFECT CIRCLE, Amusement Parks On Fire, Arcade Fire, Au4, Bjork, Cave In [Antenna], Circa Survive, The Cure, Daft Punk, The Dears [No Cities Left], Death Cab For Cutie, Eels, Fields, THE FLAMING LIPS, Foo Fighters, Imogen Heap, Jeff Buckley, Joe Hisaishi, Kavinsky [1986 EP], Ladytron [Witching Hour], Longview [Mercury], Marilyn Manson, The Mars Volta, Massive Attack, MEW, MOGWAI, Muse, My Vitriol, NINE INCH NAILS, OCEANSIZE, PLACEBO, Pure Reason Revolution, RADIOHEAD, Scott Matthews, THE SECRET MACHINES, Sigur Ros, Sikth, Silversun Pickups, THE SMASHING PUMPKINS, Sufjan Stevens, Thomas Newman, Tool, Trespassers William


About Schmidt, American Beauty, Bad Santa, Batman, Batman Begins, Big Fish, The Breakfast Club, Cast Away, Children Of Men, The Crow, The Darjeeling Limited, Donnie Darko, The English Patient, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Ghost World, Grave Of The Fireflies, The Green Mile, Howl's Moving Castle, I Heart Huckabees, It's All Gone Pete Tong, Laputa: Castle In The Sky, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Lost In Translation, The Man With Two Brains, The Mask, Napoleon Dynamite, No Country For Old Men, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Science Of Sleep, The Sea Inside, Sideways, Sin City, The Sixth Sense, Spirited Away, Spun, The Terminator 1 & 2, 300, 28 Days Later, Walk The Line, Withnail and I, etc...


Black Books, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Family Guy, Frasier, Futurama, I'm Alan Partridge, Joy of Painting, The Simpsons (before it went head-first down the shitter), South Park, Spongebob Squarepants


American Psycho, Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again, Batman: The Killing Joke, Batman: The Long Halloween, Batman: Year One, The Dirt: Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band, Enduring Love, Glamorama, The Green Mile, Junk, Lunar Park, 1984, No Country For Old Men, the Sin City yarns


*Billy Corgan* and........ width="425" height="350" ....

My Blog

How Joe's Plethora Of Knowledge Extended Over Easter

So the children want a blog do they? Blog this: "The Italian Kitchen" in Liverpool does any pizza or pasta dish at lunchtime for a mere 2.95.....I'm talking proper good restaurant food here, none of ...
Posted by -Joe- on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:04:00 PST