This year has pretty much been the best of my life, yeah a few shit things happened, but overall, I've never been so happy. I met the most amazing people last year and this year everything went up, My life's always been a roller coaster but I've never learnt to enjoy it so much. I think maybe it's just one of those things you learn to love.
I'm probably one of the most outspoken people you'll ever meet, i'd like to say I’m light hearted but I’m not really, sometimes I take things way to seriously. There’s nothing I like more than when I’m out with my friends getting drunk and sitting on a kerb smoking a nice Marlboro Light, it sounds pathetic, but you’d understand if you were there. Sometimes i wish all my friends were men.
There seems to be a common misconception that I’m some sort of bitch, whenever I meet someone they comment on how they thought I wasn’t going to be as nice as I am. I’m actually one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet, and I challenge you to prove me wrong. Although I don‘t really care if you like me or not quite frankly.
Alice, Amy, Jade, Kelly & Phil are without a doubt the most amazing people in my life, they are beyond perfect and there’s no words to describe how much I love them.
Catch ya laterz babez