Love yoooo!!!
Friends <3, Hair, Skinny Jeans, Ugg Boots, Hoodies, Gigs, Music, Family, Eyeliner, Warm Weather, Hot Baths, Cinema, Romantic stuff, Hugs, Kisses on the forehead, Kisses on the cheek, Movie nights with people i love, Small parties with my mates, Town, Meeting new people, WORK!
My friends are the best and that no one will ever make me give them up. I love them too much. They are always there for me and I’m always here for them. Sometimes I feel good about myself, most of the time I think about the imperfections and I spend a lot of time trying to become perfect but I guess that just isn’t me. I do have moments where I cry, I’m a girl and it what we do. I have the greatest friends and I wanna make more.
I feel so much better when i'm with my friends, i feel like i have everything i need. I love my friends so much and i know i will never be able to show them how much i love them and to me, friends are priceless so i dont mind paying for them. I love how my friends are always around when i need them and they should all know that i'm always here for them.
Chelsea is like a sister to me and i would be lost without her, friends since year 7, she's always been there for me and i try to always be there for her. I never want to lose her. We didn't spend as much time together since we both got boyfriends but now is a new start for both of us and she'll always be my best friend, i love her like a sister. xxxxxx We always go through similar crisis's at the same time, its good cause we're always there for eachother. She is the best person to see when your sad, she will come over at 10pm with ice cream and cake and make you giggle till you wee wee. love yoooo babe!!!! xxxx
Without Mel i would have no-one to be my melly mooo haha and do textiles with. She has helped me through a lot and I’ve tried to help her through her problems. We have a good laugh in Media and Textiles, pissing our teachers off to the max haha but that’s what we do. Me and Mel can talk for hours and not run out of things to say. We tell each other everything and I will do anything to protect her from being hurt. We talk about hair a lot, we like hair haha. Love yooo babe!!!
Gemma is awesome. She's like an encyclopedia haha. She gives great advice and even though she's a wise owl, she still knows how to have a great time. Even though we met under the WORST circumstances lol, i love her to bits and i'm always here for her and i know shes always there for me.
Breanne is my sexy singer. Another member of the Badsted crew. We’ve grown quite far apart but I wanna get back to like we were before. She is an amazing singer and she’s really pretty. She’s funny and we have loads of memories like our busted videos, our Dirty Little Secret video, our emo videos, sleepovers and going to town. She introduced me to my first proper boyfriend and I still thank her for that. We gotta talk more babe!!!
Katie makes me laugh so so much. She is the nicest girl ever. She always makes me laugh and knows how to cheer me up. The faces she pulls when role-playing make me pee my pants and the way she says some things make her sound posh and make me wee some more. This girl is so pretty on the inside and out and she makes English fun, sometimes she’s the only reason I go.
and i love them all to bits. We have so many amazing memories and we are all fuck buddies ok lol, thats how close we all are!!! Hahaha
I have the best family in the world, My dad is my big bubble and i feel so safe with him, my sister is one of my best friends and i cant tell her everything and its great when we get to see each other, my nephews and niece are the cutest kids I've ever met and i love them all so much and when i can, i'm gonna treat them to everything i can haha.
My mum was the best in the world xxx