One group, you may not know about, or realize the significance of is, the true owners of Italy, after the fall of Rome. They helped conquer Ceaser, Nero, and cause the fall, of the mighty kingdom of Rome. Roger of Altavilla, Byzantine, Roger, Conrad, and Henry are part of that group which owned all of Italy, including all borders, and land. These incredible people of vision and power, were however taken down, by the evil empire of what became the "Sicilian Mafia". It was taken by theft, lies, murder, deciet, poisoning, and manipulation. These names are not names you hear in current power in Italy, or in many other places anymore, except history books. They are the rightful owners and Royalty. "Elizabeth" was famous for being the original 'vixen slut' whom created 'fake principality papers', getting her foot in the door. This started the chain of events that would change Italy forever. She then got pregnant by the 'Real Royalty', eventually (those criminal families) taking ownership of lands, power, money, overthrowing government and rightful owners. This all via Sicily influence, and what later was named 'mafia'. Ultimately it split a nation, people, and the church. *I would hope all know that not all italians are mafia, and 'most that are mafia' don't even look italian*. There became two Pope's, and even the Catholic religion split in "theological belief of Catholics", Those generations grew, which in 1970 was at least 1700 families, not including associates (Low estimate). That number in 2007 is close to 5,000,000, and associates(Low estimate)............................................... The Women were involved since that far back, and have somehow slipped the watch of Law Enforcement for over 200 years. This is now coming to light, and the realization of the way, 'they helped everyone including the Men, disappear from radar'. They did this by identity theft, alias names, sweetheart scams, elderly exploitation, mortgage fraud, will/estate fraud, theft, and murder. The identity theft of new married names paved the way................................................. Chemical expertise grew, which led to great use, in order to cause heart attacks, falls, mental and physical disorders *Mysterious accidents* and health problems.............................................. They get power of attorney, make false wills, quit claim properties in Trust, and much more. Thier numbers, wealth, corporate, personal, and daily influence effects us in many ways. Might want to check out, who your brother, sister, mom, dad, or friends are dating, or lives next door..!! Take a harder look who is an Elected Official, or someone Authority..!! On the local level this appears as people who will cause little suspicions, and they are experts at manipulation. They walk in every part of our culture, some with appearance of having nothing, others being Lawyers, Elected Officials, Government, Law Enforcement, Military, Doctors, Nurses, Preachers, or any possible position...................................................D
o comprehensive investigations, and watch the flood of alias or a/k/a names come to light. Its not 'politically correct' to use the word mafia, but be sure your dealing with experts in organized crime. The Various branches of different 'Mob' (Which during history was classified as 'different families') joined forces over time, creating what is a complete mix of cultures....................... By the time you get a small 'clue' to the truth, they are finished and long gone. This is happening now in the Ultimate Big Picture aimed at taking control of our country from within. To Conquer Nations, did not fade away it just became a much more sophisticated game, then when Rome fell.
The three stages of gaining control over the mind
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