Warner Sisters Records is an independent music label
owned and operated out of an apartment in St.Louis, MO
originally founded by Sean Arey and Jake Popken in 2003.
After Jakes untimely death in January of '06
we are more determined then ever to get this company off the ground.
We focus mostly on the "outsider" circut of songwriting.
acoustic artists who record at home for fun and love.
although most of us DO play shows, keepin' the scene alive!
(we do sign the ocasional rock band, but they really have to rock)
Our main goal is to bring attention to the artists.
and in doing so, bringing attention to our label.
Our artists have free reign to do whatever they want
and sell whatever they want. (sausages, heart shaped mosaics, etc.)
just so long as they slap our name on the back of their cds.
well now that you know what we are all about, buy some records.
and don't forget to spread the love.
we hope you like what you hear.
~The Mgnt.
We are holding an online fund raiser, to uh...raise funds!
keep in mind this label is run by one man, with little money.
so if any of you wish to donate twards the future of this label
please click the button below.
The following albums are on sale now from Warner Sisters Records.
click the Buy Now! button to purchase with credit card or PayPal,
or, just send said dollar amount in cash or money order to:
Warner Sisters Records
2169 C Renault Dr.
St.Louis, Mo
Jessel Harry "We Shall Be Fragile"
1. Proto-Gods
2. What's it like here?
3. We Shall Be Fragile
4. Ginger Pickle
5. Oh Maybelle
6. The Hunter
7. Valentines Day
8. Leaving Los Angeles
9. You Like The Bad Boys
10. The Body You Crave
11. The Six String Blues
$10 (+$2 shipping)
The Western Paradise "Industry" EP
1. Leaving Los Angeles
2. Flickering
3. Oh Mabelle
4. Valentines Day
5. Home
$7 (+$2 shipping)
HazardsforHeadlights "Lassitude and Longing"
1. Leadfoot
2. Title Pending
3. Casually Unseen
4. Allows of Desile
5. Ether
6. Time Flys When You Have A Gun
7. Auto-Pilot
8. For A Better Future
9. Your Heart Will Melt This Icecicle
10. Grapefruit
11. Unanimated Sunset
-----------------------------12. Bloom
$10 (+$2 shipping)
Dustin and the Furniture - "Where The Trees Go" Pts. 1 & 2
1. Keep Making Plans
2. Shadow
3. Where The Trees Go
4. "En Gallop" (Joanna Newsom)
5. Trees on The Median
6. A Musical Thing
7. Everything
8. Free
9. Lake Free(zing)
10. No Room For Tea
11. (trial)
-----------------------------12. Mt. St. Helens Cures Insomnia
-----------------------------13. On Conversation
-----------------------------14. Sunset
-----------------------------15. Under The Moon pt. 1
-----------------------------16. Under The Moon pt. 2
-----------------------------17. Island Free
-----------------------------18. Harps
-----------------------------19. Night
$10(+$2 shipping) on sale now!
we promise delivery within 2 weeks of reciving payment.
Comming Soon:
Sword Fight at The Creek "S/T"
1. Sleepy
2. Poem From Brittany
3. Peace
4. Old Crush
5. Pills Eyes Disguise
6. Anatomy of One of Our Fights
7. He Said to Blave
8. Night of the Living Dead
9. Another Folk Song
$10 (+$2 shipping) comming soon!
Fine By Friday "Venom"
1. Bullet For The Liar
2. Dear Mystery
3. Embrace You
4. Venom
5. Apparation Serenade
6. Robots With Highlights
7. The Little Ambulance
8. Damn You
9. A Land Where Heros Fall
10. As Angels Fall
$10 (+$2 shipping) comming soon!
The Western Paradise - "Now That We Are gods" 7"
Side A: We Shall Be Fragile
Side B: Now That We Are gods
$8 (+$2 shipping) comming soon!
I Farted In Your Fuckhole - "Fornication Flatulation" Limited Pressing CD
1. I Hope You Stub Your Fucking Toe.
2. I Hope You Get Shot And Die.
3. I Hope You Like The Board Game Operation.
4. I Hope You Like Drowning...
5. I Hope You Like Speed Chess.
6. I Hope You Like Getting Fucked.
7. I Hope You Like Dancing.
8. I Hope You Like Bagles.
9. I Hope You Know You Are About To Get Hit By A Fucking Train.
10.I Hope You Get Shit On at the Bird Museum
11.*Itsy Bitsy Spider
-------------------------------12.*I Can't Dance
$5 (+$2 shipping) on sale when the time is right! [*bonus tracks]
Other Promo Stuff:
Behold the most powerful tool in marketing history...
..... .....
thats right kids, support your favorate Warner Sisters release with these fancy buddy icons!
they will get you chicks, or dudes...or, whatever you're into.
more icons comming soon!
Put this on your myspace, and you will get friends requests from all the fly honeys!! Just copy the HTML below!!
if there's a place you wanna go, he's the one you need to know, he's the map...
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