October has 35 Days |
October has 35 Days 9-27-08
September f***ing stunk. It was without a doubt my worst month of 2008. Rather than continue to endure even one more day of this misery, I decided to embrace the conce... Posted by Renee Reyes on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 05:40:00 PST |
body armor |
body armor 8-15-08
What's this?
An on-time update at reneereyes.com? *Grin*
Please don't get accustomed to it. Alas, the 15th arrived on a weekend which made it easier to accomplish.
So what's new? ... Posted by Renee Reyes on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 09:27:00 PST |
Sliding into Second |
sliding into second 7-27-08
Can you believe we're already more than halfway through 2008?
Amazing, huh?
Sorry about the delay in this posting...I'm extra busy at the moment - even more than usual. I'... Posted by Renee Reyes on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 12:48:00 PST |
a needed reprieve |
a needed reprieve 6-16-08
The last thirty days were outstanding.
Simply stated? I needed that.
Without a doubt, the basis for these improvements was rooted in my newfound wholesome routine. I'm still... Posted by Renee Reyes on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 12:52:00 PST |
Onward & Upward |
onward & upward 5-20-08
Sorry about the delay between my last discouraging entry & this newest update. As that last notation so eloquently exhibited...I'm really pushing myself at this time. I... Posted by Renee Reyes on Mon, 19 May 2008 06:02:00 PST |
not every day is perfect... |
not every day is perfect 4-20-08
Ever have those moments...those times: when you're at the end of your rope with frustration?
Me too...
I'm fairly savvy at pulling myself out of such doldrums re... Posted by Renee Reyes on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 04:47:00 PST |
More of the Same |
more of the same 3-20-08
Crazy weather recently, huh?
We braved the recent onslaught of tornado activity in Atlanta by hiding out in the basement. It got pretty scary: warnings littered the TV-airwav... Posted by Renee Reyes on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 04:34:00 PST |
she’s not dead yet |
she's not dead yet 2-05-08
Whew...where do I start?
It's been a very long time since I journaled publicly. How is everybody? Fine,. I hope. I did plan to make journal entries on more than one occasion... Posted by Renee Reyes on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 09:12:00 PST |
A Quick Note |
quick note 11-21-07
My schedule's now even more brutal than before. Ever get on a pace where somebody asks you on Friday about any details from an important meeting on the day before...you're for... Posted by Renee Reyes on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 04:04:00 PST |
Making Sense of it All |
making sense of it all 10-10-07
As before & seemingly ever shall be...I'm behind schedule on just about everything I'm presently undertaking. I suppose that really means I'm still casting big drea... Posted by Renee Reyes on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 11:25:00 PST |