baz profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi, I'm Baz. I play bass in a band called Antonamasia (check us out). I also do other things sometimes, over. I'll pretty much make friends and get along with anyone and everyone cos that’s just what I do, over. I have a beautiful girlfriend who helped me/made me start this myspace account, over. Haha, over. Umm I don't get on here too often but, yeah that’s about it I suppose. Over and out.

My Interests

Music, Sport, Boobs(Sam's), Anything fun

I'd like to meet:



My all time favourite artist is John Williamson (you know the guy who sings "True Blue"). He is a musical genius and a top bloke. Other than that I like metal, punk, hip hop, techno...I'm gonna stop here and say everything.


You scored as Rocker, Mosher. Your A Rocker!

Rocker, Mosher






Chav, Townie, Rude Boy, Ned, Kev







What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy Ect
~A Survey About EVERYTHING~
~The Basics~
Name:: andrew barrington
Age:: 20
Hair Color:: brown
Eye Color:: green
Pet(s) & Their Name(s):: dog called monty
Birthplace:: liverpool nsw
Nickname(s):: baz
Most Widespread Nickname:: baz
Height:: 5'11
Mood Right Now:: hungover
Color:: black
Animal:: hmmm,meerkat haha
Number:: 21
Gum:: juicyfruit
Sport:: football
Season:: summer
Candy:: redskin yummy!
Song:: bloodwork by 36 crazyfists
Actor:: jack black
TV Show:: family guy
~This or That~
Morning or Evening:: evening
Hugs or Kisses:: both
Love or Money:: both
Movies or Music:: music
Big Crowds or Little Crowds:: big crowds
Beach or Mountains:: beach
Six Flags or Carowinds:: what the fuck?
Percussion or Strings:: strings
Piano or Guitar:: guitar
Skateboard or Skooter:: skateboard
Heels or Sneakers:: sneakers
Black or White:: black
Red or Green:: red
Skittles or M&Ms:: skittles
Sun or Moon:: sun
Water or Fire:: fire
~Fill in the Blank from Old TV Shows~
Clarissa Explains _______.: ?
Are You Afraid __________?: of the dark
Kenan and _____.: kel
Caitlin's _____.: ?
Different ________.: ?
The Facts of ______.: life
~Have You Ever~
Danced in the Rain:: yeah
Talked to Someone You Didn't Know on an IM:: not
Honked a Car Horn at Strangers:: yep
Bunjee Jumped:: no
Done Something Illegal:: yes haha
Done Something You Regret:: yes
Cried in a Full Theater:: no cos i run on maaannnn!!!!
Done Drugs:: yeah
Smiled for No Reason:: yeah
Thought About Something and Laughed Really Loud:: yes
Done Something Stupid in Front of Your Crush:: yes
Gone to a Sports Camp:: yep
Gone to ANY Camp:: yep
Said Something No One Else Got:: yes
Acted/Sang on Stage:: all the time
Talked in Front of a Large Group (EXcluding Oral Reports):: i sure have
Had a Cavity:: yes very painful, still have one
Said Something That Others Took Wrong:: yes
Been Told to Get Your Mind Out of the Gutter:: yes haha
Been in Love:: yes
Fallen Down in Public:: yep
Been Stupid in Front of a Lot of People:: yes alot of people alot of the time
Done Something Someone Said You Could Never Do:: yes
~Do You~
Sing Well:: no
Dance Well:: not well
Take Drugs:: no
Get Embarrassed Easily:: yes
Consider Yourself a Morning Person:: not
Take Walks in the Rain:: not
Keep Your Promises:: yes try to
Believe in Luck:: yep
Like to Talk:: yep
Speak Your Mind:: yep
Trust Others Easily:: mmm so so
~Movies & Music~
Best Movie You've Seen in Theaters Lately:: havent been in ages
Saddest Movie:: patch adams
Cutest Movie:: ice age
Movie You Find Yourself Quoting Very Often:: family guy movie
Ever Made Movies With Your Friends:: yeah on my phone
Radio Station You Listen to Most:: 96.1
Song Currently Stuck in Your Head:: mambo number 5
Stupidest Song You've Heard Lately:: grillz
Song You Hear Most on the Radio:: dont pay attention
Have You Ever Wished Someone Would Die?: yeah
Do You Believe in Luck?: yeah
Would You EVER Skydive:: fuck yeah!
Are You Conservative or Liberal?: whatever
Do You Support the Death Penalty?: yes
Do You Think There's Gold on the Other End of a Rainbow?: nope
What CD Have You Listened to Most Lately?: slipknot
Have You Ever Held a Snake or Tarantula?: no
Do You Like Scary Movies?: not really
What's Your Pet Peeve?: bitching
Do You Have a Type A Personality?: maybe
What Would YOU Do for a Klondike Bar?: ?
What's the One Thing You Would Bring With You to a Deserted Island?: a guitar
Would You Kill Someone if You Could Get Away With It?: yeah
Ever Been Tubing?: yeah
Drove a Jetski?: nah
Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?: yeah
Would You EVER Cheat on Someone if You Could Get Away With It?: nah
Introvert or Extrovert?: extrovert
Do You Like Big Crowds?: yes
What's Your Favorite Quote from a Friend?: "wanna smoke some sheeba?"
What Word Do You Use Too Much?: fuck
Can You Sing Your ABC's Backward's?: nah lol
What's the Latest You've Ever Stayed Up?: 3 days
Have You Ever Been Betrayed?: yep
What's Your Greatest Strength(s)?: loyailty
Weakness(es)?: peer pressure
Do You Laugh a Lot?: yeah
Are You a Leader or a Follower?: follower
Do You WANT to Be Like Everyone Else?: nah
What's the Compliment You Receive Most?: nice eyes
Insult?: dickhead or sumthing
Do You March to the Beat of You OWN Drummer?: yeah
Can You Talk Extremely Fast?: nah
~Last Words~
What Are Your Last Words?: antonamasia check em out!
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