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About Me



My Interests


Member Since: 4/7/2005
Band Website: dyscord.com
Band Members:
James Herbert - Beard Laden VoKIlls

Raffe Houston - Rang Laden Bass

Matthew Herbert - Dread Laden Guitar

Curls Magee - Curl Laden Cassowary Guitar "Balllaaaaaaahh"

Benjamin Hesketh - XBox 360, Weightlifting & Protein

Influences: NOW IN TEXT BOX FORM!! - Crunk/The Act of Getting Crunk - Sandy From the OC's Parenting Skills - Handlebar Moustaches - Glory/The Act of Obtaining Glory - The Guy From As A Weapon That Does Backflips/The Act of Backflips - Doe Eyed Beauties That Man the Counters of Subway Restaurants - Setting Facial Hair on Fire and Filming The Act - Creating Your Enemies on The Sims and Giving Them Poor Quality of Life - Penny Farthings - Cow Tipping - Saying the Word "Ways" as Often as Possible
- Paul Weir from Castlerock - Lenny's Bar and Bistro - Orifice the Band - Creating Myspace Invitations for Packrapes - Man Spas With the Mahi-Mahi - Cruising for Hot Chicks at 3pm on a Friday Afternoon - Biltong and Thinking of its' Origins - Red Creaming Soda flavoured Beer - Attending Metrosexual Leisure Environments and Enjoying It - Auto-erotic Asphyxiation - Purifying Ourselves in the Waters of Lake Minnetonka - Feigning Respect for Women - Daley Thompson and His Disrespect for Censorship - The Dewey Decimal System - A Small Wood Pigeon - Whitesnake - Existing in Slow Motion - The 5 Greatest Rappers of All Time - Those Two Guys From Big Brother That Attempted a PackRape - The Way that the Opening Notes of "The Road To The Holy Grail" Make you think about Football and Not the Holy Grail - Cain from Home and Away and His Tiny, Tiny Mouth - Waiting Until You Get To Work To Go To The Toilet, So You Get Paid To Take A Shit - The Word Oblong - Beating The Puss Up - Snakes, Planes, and Samuel L. Blackson - The Stinkfinger Room - Overly Large Lists, Full of In-Jokes - The Belief That Dreadlocks Are Still Cool, And That Nu-Metal Is Coming Back - Knowing That The Sandwich Heavy Portfolio Pays Off For The Hungry Investor - Being Convinced That Jim Beam Promo Girls Are Actually Enjoying Your Company, And Aren't Just Being Paid To Act That Way - Wearing A Onezi For Days On End, And Urinating In A Chamberpot - Mimicking Characters From Banjo-Kazooie During Sex - The Original Musical Compositions Of That Guy That Sits Outside The Kebab Shop Next To The Amplifier Every Friday And Saturday Night - Refusing To Follow Sauna Etiquette - Tapping Afros and saying "Testing, Testing." - Hallucinations That Involve Seeing Ailsa Alive Again, Bless Her Heart - The Principal From Neighbours Who Covers Her Sleeve Of Tattoos, So As Not To Reveal Her Lesbianism - The Steph Show - Buskers Who Apply For APRA - Paintings Of Dogs Playing Anything - Ugg Boots In Public - The Noise Lexington Steele Makes When He Gives Someone A Chinful Of The Good Stuff - Screaming Obscenities Aimed At Jason Donovan When Losing At Buzz - Brandishing A Blunderbuss - Poker Games And Whiskey Shots At Sun Up - Supa Golf Tournaments - Referring To People Who Serve Drinks As "Barkeep" - Telling World Vision Workers That If They Give You A Handjob, You Will Give The Starving Children Money - Driving Excessively Slowly Around Multinova Locations, Then Laughing When People Speed Past You - Spinning The Wheel Of Fish - People Who Say "More Like Spendings" When Asked If They Are Using Their Savings Account - Dreaming About Someone Doing Wrong By You, Then Being Angry At Them While You Are Awake - Discussing Whether Having Sex With Calamity Jane To Get An XBox 360 Is Worth It - People Who Call Other People "Chief". - Wondering How Employees At The Cheerios Factory Say Goodbye At The End Of The Working Day - Keith Mars' Hand To Hand Combat Skills - That Guy From American Idol That Was Tapping Paula Abdul On The Side - Referring To An Extremely Funny Situation As A "LOLocaust". - The Way That Characters In Hollywood Movies Never Say Goodbye When They Hang Up A Phone - Snake's Eye View - Kevin Federline's Debut Album - Searching YouTube For Videos Of Cats Falling Off Of Things - Putting Pants In The Dryer Instead Of Ironing Them - Continually Using The Name That Bands Had When They First Started Out, Long After They Have Changed Their Name, Even After Being Corrected - Performing Monologues While Being Fellated - Warhammer 40,000 Clubs - Steve Irwin Jokes Circulating, Minutes After His Death - Saving Beer Rider Vouchers, And Trying To Use Them At Clubs That Don't Even Have Bands Playing - The Abysmal State Of Australian Sketch Comedy - Incorporating Break Dancing Into Every Venture Partaken In - Paraphrasing Music Journalists - Drawing "Suprise Lines" On Pictures Of People With Raised Eyebrows - The Sound Of Pingu Falling Into An Ice Cave - Recording Farts On Your Phone And Sending The Best Ones To Your Friends - The Mental Image Of The Wiggles Gangbanging A Hot Mum, With Jeff Cumming Early And Sleeping In The Corner - Penn & Tellers' Triumphant Return To Television - Channel Ten Pulling The Plug On Futurama 7 Years Ago, Then Bringing It Back This Year, Only To Find That Everyone Got Sick Of Waiting For Them And Bought All The DVD's Last Year, And Consequently, No Longer Give A Fuck - Jeff Newman's Disapproving, Condescending Tone When A 12 Year Old Answers A Question Incorrectly On It's Academic! - Having Friends That Were On Amazing! When They Were In Primary School - Seal, And His Gratuitous Over-Use Of Major Thirds In A Minor Chord Progression - The Final Scene In Ozzie Park Boyz, Where Nunzio LaBianca Fights 40 Gang Members Single Handedly, And Wins - Hating Drunk Idiots When You Are Sober, And Being A Drunk Idiot When You Are Drunk - Dinner Time Bon Jovi Singalongs - Women Who Wear Perfume To The Beach - Parental Advice From Bob Saget - Jonathan Taylor Thomas's Sporadic Cameo Performances - "Soccer" Scented Deoderant - The Transporter Flipping His Audi Upside Down So That The Bomb Attached To The Undercarriage Collides With A Hanging Hook And The Force Of The Explosion Spins His Car Back To The Correct Side So That He May Drive To Safety - Claiming That "Training Day" Is In Fact A Denzel Washington Documentary - Admitting In Front Of Band Members That You Burnt/Pirated Their CD - That Peugeot Add Where The Car Turns Into A Giant Robot And Ice Skates Around A Lake - Getting Amongst It In The Thoroughfare - Throwing Grey Goose Vodka In A Friend's Face, Then Attempting To Quell Their Anger By Claiming That "It's Called A Fabio, And You Should Have Had Your Mouth Open". - Discussing Heavy Music With Dudes Wearing Necrophagist Shirts, And Claiming That The New Limp Bizkit Album Is Their Best Yet - Australian Idol Musicians, Who Get Paid To Play Other People's Songs For A Living, Struggling To Play A Karnivool Song - Sequels To Popular Movies That Have None Of The Actors, Writers Or Producers From The Original Movie Involved - Replacing The Words Tired, Sick, Hurt, Lazy, Useless, Pissed And Upset With The Words "Shaster" or "Shastered" - That Paula Abdul Song That Has An Animated Cat Singing A Duet With Her - The Face Of That Guy From Annihilator When He Plays A Solo - Any Metal Band Film Clip Where The Band Is Playing In A Really Inappropriate Environment - Selling Dead Baby Faces on eBay - Referring To Fred Durst as a "Wordsmith" and Meaning It - Cumbersome Belts That Contradict Their Own Existence - Destiny's Child Releasing "Independent Women" And Then Following It Up With "Cater 2 U" - Scouring ABC For Kid's Shows With Puppets And Attractive Female Hosts, In A Vain Attempt To Locate An Episode Where The Characters Are Going To The Beach And Said Attractive Female Host Will Be Showing Some Flesh - Having An Influences List That Is Longer Than A Myspace Page Will Allow - Mimicking The Guitar Riff At The End Of The Water Rats Theme Song Whenever A Police Car Drives Past - Men Who Use Their Wives As Human Shields When Being Attacked - Referring To Tall People As "Legs Laroo" - Gettin' Your Drink On, Gettin' Your Smoke On, And Going Home With Something To Poke On - The Belief That Eating Brie Cheese Will Instantly Make You A Fantastic Grindcore Vocalist - Recieving Public Appreciation For Your Myspace Influences List - The Idiotic Phrasing Of The Vocals In The Rick Hart Factory Seconds Theme Song - The Guy From The Craft Decor Ads Who Dressed As Indiana Jones, Then Tried To Kill His Wife And Ended Up In Greylands - People Who Wipe Their Hand Through A Pool Of Their Own Vomit Looking For Lost Keys - The Knowledge That The Death Metal Tremolo Style Of Guitar Picking Originated From Faggy Surf Music - Drawing Parallels Between Guitar Tones And Condiments - Bartenders Who Are Drunker Than You Are - The Fact That FHM, Ralph And Zoo Are Exactly The Same, Yet All Sell Similarly Well - Soundchecking With The Major Scale - Front Lawn Futon Parties - The fucked up art that Vietnam vets come up with - Knocking back dating offers because the girl has a shitty name - The West Australians brand of no-holds barred, take no prisoners journalism - Liam Bartlett's shaky transition from print to visual mediums - Those who instill fear into Celtic beard naysayers - Ex-girlfriends who think pushing in front of you in the Macca's line constitutes payback for being a prick to her in the past - Waking up every morning with your hand on your knob - Owning a Ministry of Sound compilation and therefore owning all of them. - Getting constantly shafted on Ebay, but continuing to shop there anyway -The dude from Grotesque who takes photos of his shit - Episodes of The Simpsons which have a blatant pro-Christian agenda, courtesy of FOX network executives. - Using colours as adjectives, but not colour adjectives. - Officer Mahoney's firm but fair attitude towards police work. - 5 year old kids who still get breastfed. - The dudes who do the English accent voiceovers on Tommy Lee Goes to College and numerous VH1 shows. - Glarring omissions from Red Rooster fillet burgers, namely the fillet. - The mentally unstable kid on Outward Bound who tried to slit his wrists with a plastic knife. - The term "poo sweaters" and the act of "poo sweating". - Whistling the Cottees Cordial theme whenever a cheerful fat child is walking towards you. - People who go to petrol stations far away to get 'cheap fuel' and actually lose money from all the extra driving. - Using the word 'pasteurisation' to describe the events of a porno video. - Excelling in beardsmanship - Dustin Diamond's (aka Screech) leaked sex tape - The ex-drummer from My Chemical Romance who got kicked out because he was fat. - Using the word 'Mufti' as slang for a tantrum. - Waiting almost 3 months for the opportunity to use 'Tzarcasm' in a joke. - Being diagnosed with the crazy insanes on tour. - Getting a semi-hardon during dinner with your bandmates and their girlfriends. - Being serious as cancer when one says rhythm is a dancer. - That goth cunt from Green Day and his newfound ego. - When the ranga from Sex and the City got chlamydia. - The opinions of everyone on the WF. - The guitarist from My Chemical Romance that looks like a tuna fish. - Matt Heafy's inability to buy shirts that stretch down further than his belly button. - Being wary of anyone with an outie belly button or minimal earlobe evelopment. - Contemplating washing some new drumsticks a puppy has just violently shat all over. - Sydney cafe' owners who flaunt basic hygiene regulations. - $9.00 baby $9.00... - Owen Wilson's nose. - The Wanneroo Mazda jingle. - Basil's Footy Show and the playful banter that takes place during it. - When people confuse the circumstances of the Kingsley Football Club with those of the Bali 9. - Mimicking Angela Gossow while saying phrases that rhyme with "I'm taking back my soul", such as: "My prize winning stallion just gave birth to a foal" - $9.90 baby $9.90... - Those two pimple faced McDonalds burger flippers who were sick of their mates questioning their companies food and as a result paid for their own bus trip to the country to "get the real facts". - When that guy from Big Brother kept on sitting backwards on the girls toilet whilst going poo-poos. - Crocodile Slides (See Above) - Ura. - Gaping plot holes in time travel movies. -$37.00 baby $37.00... - How the producers of the OC couldn't be fucked filming the 5 months after Marissa's death. - That daycare centre that tied a whole bunch of kids together with towels to keep the little bastards in check. -7? - Popping up behind complete strangers like a meercat would, then proceeding to pick lice out of their hair. - Your bandmates revealing crucial plot points of the recent OC series within the confines of the band's influence list when you havnt yet seen it due to rehearsal and as a result waiting for the dvd box set. - Those adverts which change one or two notes in a popular song so they don't have to pay the original artist any royalties. - Simpsons episodes that have strong christian and patriotic overtones courtesy of the Fox Network executives. - Referring to Gwen Stefani as "that albino slut". - That creepy loner who goes to the amplifier and reads comics in the corner. - Anti drink-driving adverts which concede "most of the time you will make it home fine". - The mental stability of Mr Roboto era Styxx. - Richie Sambora Solo - Referring to women as 'trim'. - Bizarre roach clip requests. - Hotdog's up late quiz and that fruit with the mullet who co-hosts it. - Having more creative freedom on this influences list than you do in the actual band. - Michael Richards career prospects in 2007. - When that dyke from Degrassi Jnr High got knocked up by a dropkick. - The North American Boy Love Association. - Melbourneians and their beady, beady eyes. - Michael Jackson's now obviously token references to women he loves in his songs. - That shivering noise cats make when they fall from 6 feet or so. - Words that don't sound like how they are spelled like phlegm and Siobhan. - That noise Father Bob makes during interviews which are quite obviously not John Safran chewing on a pencil. - Nasal hair. - Rocky fighting the modern day champion after being told for the previous two movies that fighting will kill him. - The idea that a 50+ year old man with serious brain damage incurred from boxing, who stopped training for at least 5 years will once again beat the odds using only one inspired training montage and defeat the current world champion of boxing in his prime. - Trading in the name of a classic franchise for kitsch value. - Dried skin on the ground of Adelaide. - "Mine your own business".... he's kinda got a good point there. - Andrew Bolt. Representing Australians with ludicrous and unsubstantiated points of view that defend their flawed arguments to the death. - Reaganomics. - Agent Dale Cooper's assertiveness. - 'Officially licensed' band shirts which suspiciously have language warnings printed onto them as if they were just scanned from a cd cover. - Muscletech and their subtle product placements on every page of every fitness magazine. - Being the band that least sounds like At the Gates on a lineup and then being compared to them in a review. - Thinking that's awesome anyway. - The detrimental effect connector pens had on an entire generation of school kids. - Terence Trent Darby. - The person who pitched the idea of Channel 10's 'The Resort' and having Jon Stevens host it. - How 94.5's no repeat workday setlist is the same everyday but just in a different order. - Seeing people buying toilet paper at the store and getting the mental image of them taking a shit. - The prevelence of clear snare batter heads in the 70s and 80s. - When the singer of Green Day said the video to 'Jesus Of Suburbia' was the 'Thriller' of this generation. - Luke Steele's ego and the fact he has no right to have one at all. - Signing up fake Star Surf club accounts with funny names so they send you a cool card with said funny name on it. - Friends who find a lost credit card belonging to 'Vince McMahon' and then sell it on ebay. - Wondering if you could get away with assaulting Pat Benatar by using her song 'Hit Me With Your Best Shot' as legal ammo against her. - The maddening lack of thematic congruency involved in the existence of the character "Waluigi". - Over-using the term "Thematic Congruency". - Having to fart or shit, moments after stepping out of the shower - The Anti- Drink Driving Committee's reluctance to alter the formula of their television advertisements, despite the fact that you can always tell that there will be an "unexpected" car crash interrupting a happy situation, especially if it involves the guy that used to sing for Beaverloop - Claiming that "R.B.I" stands for "Rims Busted In". - Being delighted when video games allow you to manually draw a logo for your custom character, so you can undermine the seriousness of the game and have your character spend the whole time walking around with a massive cock drawn on them - When the singer from Sugar Ray almost beat the shit out of a 14 year old kid in front of the paparazzi because he shouted out "more like Sugar Gay!". - How Paul Mac always gets girls with weird deformities to sing on his tracks and appear in the accompanying video clips. - The inexplicable inclusion of John Stamos on the bongo drums in the video clip for the Beach Boy's feel good anthem 'cocomo'. - Drumming along to Marky Mark's 'Good Vibrations' with a straight face. - Porno movies where unsexy foodstuffs such as beans and liquid cheese are smothered over the actors genitalia. - Doing everyday activities as if you were a character in Gears of War. - German efficiency. - That guy who empties his urine bag on the train every weekday on the Midland line. - Bands that take quotes and sound bites from movies out of context and put them on at the start of their cd. - People who shit in the back of taxis. - Dented objects. - Hitman Dave's stage diving antics. (He Soars Like a Condor) - What qualifies for grind music these days. - When that girl from rockstar INXS wrote that song where the lyrics spoke about her journey on the show way too literally. - Liam Gallagher's monobrow in the 'Wonderwall' video clip. - How Nada Surf's song 'Popular' makes you laugh and then want to kill yourself. - Brenda and Brandon Walsh's uncomfortably close sibling relationship in the early 90210 episodes. - Accidentally calling someone "Roy" because they are the real life incarnation of The Simpsons character of the same name. - That face thing from Mulligrubs with the annoying voice. - Dispondant sound guys. - The complex rules in no rules fighting federations. - How 'Hello Panda' lollies make no fucking sense whatsoever. - The confusing inclusion of "oil rigs" in the copyright list of places you can't show a DVD, and the accompanying mental image of a room full of oil rig workers firing up "Bridget Jones's Diary", seeing the list, and becoming distraught and depressed. - Touring for 6 days without showering, and no one even noticing. - Eagerly awaiting the release of EA's new flight sim titled "Top Gun: Ooh its my first time in a plane!" - Dedicating songs to ginger kids, and telling them to "fight the power". - Having "You know nothing about music!" screamed at you by an angry 50 year old woman, even though you play in a band and she probably doesn't. - Wearing a Combined Death Toll shirt out in public, and forgetting that "READY TO FUCK" is written on the back in huge white letters. - Using "fucken tops, cunt!" as a positive affirmation. - The physical similarity between Turtle from Entourage and Jim from Chimaira. - People who go the gym in groups of 4 or more. - Telling women to "man up", rather than help them. - Completing The Entire Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, Including The 16 Hours Extra Footage and Leaving The Room With an Identity Crisis, Beleiving That You Yourself are In Fact Frodo Baggins, Charged with a Mystical Quest to Destroy The One Ring. - Leavin' Those Hos With No Dough and Plenty of Back Pain - Spending 20 minutes cooking a warm, delicious meal, and needing to take a shit just before you can eat it. - Deliberately playing ACDC at your workplace, just to watch the disabled people rock out. - Setting your mobile phone's bluetooth display name as RAPE, PISSFUCK or CUNTHEAD, and sending gibberish messages to people you don't know, who forgot to turn their bluetooth off. - Writing a terrible song, and declaring it the "New Youth Anthem" on the spot. - The way tomato sauce and cheese go together far too well. - Rick Soloman's expression when the video of him jerking off is playing in the background of the 'One Night in Paris' intro. - How there is no success and no hill in the the suburb 'Success Hill'. - Les Murray's and Ronan Sharkey's accents. - Products that have exclamation marks in their name. - The singer from Kisschasey's gap tooth grin. - The outline of David Bowie's cock through his leotard in 'Labrinth'. - Spitting your milk out whilst typing leotard. - Dreams in which you commit fraud in Jamie Jasta's name. - David Lee Roth and his spinkicking abilities. - The fat kid in The Goonies. - When that female newsreader on Sky News broke out in an extremely awkward coughing fit mid story and they had to cut to a break. - The mean IQ of a Big Day Out crowd. - Martin Short's existence. - Laughing uncontrollably every time that new INXS guy sings the line "Thumbing your way to Vegas". - Catching the Flu, and knowing that strenuous physical activity is not good for you in that state, but jacking off anyway. - Playing Grand Theft Auto San Andreas far too much, and convincing yourself that you are "Grove Street 4 Life". - People who are still stupid enough to be rude to employees who will be handling their food. - Saying "Money's too tight for steak" anytime that anyone says "steak" or "stake". - Knowing that the actor playing Ugly Betty is probably really hot. - Pounding your chest and screaming "WHY NOT ME!?" everytime you see an animal equipped with a dangerous defense mechanism, such as poison or fangs. - The number of deaths that "Jones" the ginger cat is repsonsible for with his skylarking, in Alien. - The term "Skylarking". - Tennis statistics including a "forced error", and wondering why anyone would want to force an error. - Members of Eighteen Visions wearing sunglasses always, even while tracking their album. - Will Smith rapping about being a player and having sex with lots of women, even though we can all name his wife. - Bands who write songs about being in a band and playing music. - Being "down for the countery" when hungry. - Tom Cruise's Mastery of Witchcraft - That 50 Yr Old American Guy Who Was Bashed by a Gang of Youths in Forest Chase on The Weekend, Sustained Major Injuries, Lost His Front Teeth and Still Thinks Perth is a Nice Place to go for a Holiday - Age Old Rivalies Between the Steele & Vincent Clans - 'Pyrameow' and 'Sharky ba-ba' era kinder suprises. - Songs where the singer counts out numbers in their lyrics. - That 'and after...?' Domino's pizza ad where the chick on the phone insinuates she wants some cock after dinner. - High school reuinions where all you talk about are the times you pissed in funny places around the school. - Getting your mum to write a letter to your human biology teacher, mistakenly addressed as "Dr Mike Hunt" instead of "Dr Brian Hunt". - The self esteem levels of people who get photos with promo girls. - Those "Brewer's" bathroom taps that are either on too fast or too slow. - Recounting stories of your messy STD treatment, loudly in a KFC line. - The loss of translation involved in japanese garbage trucks driving around playing "Greensleeves" at 5 in the morning while collecting rubbish. - Walking up to anyone wearing any form of Suicidal Tendencies merchandise and screaming in their face "HEY! WHAT THE HELL IS GOIN' ON AROUND HERE!" - Playing ipod porno through your car stereo really loud at trafic lights. - Telling girls their vaginas are "pretty cool". - Bands that preach "don't be suprised when people die, you should be suprised that you're alive" even though you live in a country with one of the highest quality of life ratings in the world. - People who look at your cock whilst you're having a piss, then ask you if you play in dyscord. - People who give money to buskers who are reformed rapists. - Claiming that Thom Yorke's lazy eye posseses the power to alter time and space. - Receiving "Breakdown Abuse" from a guy who just paid $95 to see Hatebreed, Eighteen Visions and Terror. - That high shouldered 'football player' jog that people do when crossing the road when a car is comming. - Anybody that has ever worked at Planet Video. - DJs who shout out "get ready for some System of a Down people!" and then play 'killing in the name'. - Blumpkins and the art of performing blumpkins. - Searching WAYN for hot backpackers coming to Perth so you can try hit them up for some lovin'. - Kerry King's knowledge of drumming. - The backup band that agreed to do the Ellen Degeneres show while K-Fed was droppin' bombs on the mic. - The way Hollywood movies use reverb and echo on a persons' voice to portray inner monologue, despite the fact that I am using inner monologue right now and I don't hear no fucking reverb. - People who take leisurely can-bong strolls through residential Innaloo. - Referring to the feeling of comradery you have with the band Hitman as "bromance". - That dry kill logic song where the singer says "this is gonna suck" during the intro and he's right. - Mirroring your existence on Larry David's to the point where you are madly in love with a deaf woman. - How Hinder's 'lips of an angel' is about cheating behind your girlfriends back, but in the video clip the dude is singing the lyrics while his girlfriend is present. - Trampoline related fatalities. - Those super soakers from the early 90s that sprayed dye that didn't come off clothes like they said it would. - When you're wearing a band's shirt and someone comes up and asks you if you like said band. - Morning wood etiquete whilst on tour. - People who use the self check-in system at airports to make funny terrorism related names for themselves. - Getting excited when your friends told you the "ghost rider" movie was coming out, but only because you thought they said "ghost writer" movie. - Members of Pathogen who get to sleep listening to the tranquil pre-recorded sound of them taking a piss. - The fat guy from Lost and his constant look of despair and worry. - Movie characters who cut their apples with hunting knives and knowing that some bad shit is about to go down when someone starts doing that. - That Dandy Warhols video clip where the singers cock and balls are on display. - When the ex-keyboard player from superheist had a kameo in a skit on John Safran VS God. - The disgruntled ranga who starred in Ferris Bewler's Day Off and Beetlejuice, then disappeared off the face of the Earth. - Admirable vaginas. - The spoken word interlude in Boys 2 Men's classic 'till the end of the road'. - Bands putting "Dyscord's influences list" under their list of influences - the noble cassowary - the profesionalism of sound guys who should be mixing the band, but are instead singing 'footloose' on karaoke in the room next door - Questioning Subway sandwich artist's credentials. - Powerfucks, powernaps and powerlunches. - Things that animals probably dream about in their sleep. - Sebastian Bach's grasp on reality. - The movie 'Prayer of the Rollerboys'. - When two authors surnames appear on the spine of a book as "Brown Poon". - Circumscision premonitions. - Hermes Endakis. - Gordon Bombay's drink driving escapade in Champions. - The person who came up with the idea of calling Nick Lachley's solo debut "SoulO". - When 70+ old women unknowingly spray their crotch region with glitter instead of deoderant before getting a papsmear thus coining the term "glittervag". - The Sexy voice of the Dragon in the movie Eragon - Justin Timberlake's new video which involves him macking out with scarlet johansen for about 4 minutes before she cheats on him with his best friend, so he kicks the crap out of said friend, slams scarlet against a wall by her face, then a high speed chase ensues in which scarlet is tragicly killed, proving JT's point that btchs shouldn't fck with him... - The probability that Shaggy2dope and Violent Jay raped that hot juggalo chick in the Insane Clown Posse "homies" videoclip. - When you have a conversation with someone about a current event, then overhear the same person having the exact same conversation again with someone else minutes later. - The correlation between the demise of Fat Cat and the downfall of society. - Feeling like a monkey every time you eat a banana. - Being promised that the new series of Big Brother would feature personalities from "all walks of life", and receiving the same tanned, abbed out douchebags that we get every year. - The fact that every John Irving novel involves bears in some way. - People who take 2 year olds bowling. - Watching those Anti Violence Against Women adds and not understanding what the big deal is, cos the men featured seem totally reasonable... - Complaining loudly, whilst in Surfer's Paradise, about how there are "no fucking BankWest ATM's anywhere!!" - Advising girls who are complaining about their weight to develop a crack habit. - The lost art of "Bong 'n Bowl". - Jerry Bruckheimer using an emo fringe to symbolize Peter Parker's downspiral into darkness. - That new Mario Kart arcade game. - An unexplainable, profound hatred of Val Kilmer. - Wondering how long Dr Freeze could last using double entendres relating to cold things in every single sentence, and coming up with social situations where it would be impossible, or at least confusing. - Dildos shaped like religious figures. - Referring to hooking up whilst in the wilderness as a "Bushwhack Mack". - Playing the "how much money would it take for you to go down on some horrible person" game. - Telling an exhausted bartender that she can "spit in it just a little bit, if it will make you feel better". - Having your socio economic status increase just by entering a rural town. - Wondering what Erkel is up to nowadays. - Scouring Nutri Grain boxes for those little Ipod speakers. - Knowing that "Yo Ki Mo" means "Fried Potato" in Japanese. - Mark Mcgrath of sugar ray fame hosting 'Pussycat dolls presents: Search for the new Doll' and his double hand jive indicating the next broad's preformance, not the to mention the very likley possiblity of him tapping some of those dames on the sly. - Calling women Dames and Broad's. - Having a case of the After Jives' for your whole life. - Administering a "Two Step Mack". - Thomas J Rowe (see above). - Screech from Saved By the Bell's failed attempt to re-enter the public eye via "leaking" a porno of himself onto the internet. - When Homeless people who attempt to use their cunning wit to trick you into providing them with two dollars with which they can purchase more goon, who's carefully thought out plan goes sour when they ask "excuse me, is your name two dollars for a bus?" -Screech from Saved By the Bell's (aka Dustin Diamond) attempt to save his house from foreclosure by Arthur Giraldo-who works for the New York Capital Exchange-by starting a website to sell shirts at $15 US a pop and $20 with his signature in aid of the cause. - Speculating that James Labrie will be doing "brie brie" vocals on the next Dream Theater CD. - How Tom Selleck is on the board of the NRA. - The new member of the Wiggles that seems to really hate children - When Australia's Most Wanted claim they have exclusive footage of a crime but the footage clearly has another TV stations watermark in the corner. - Reality TV shows that encourage and celebrate dangerous driving because they think it's funny. - That episode of 'What's Good For You?' where a woman acted out the symptoms of thrush. - Mortis's existence. - That Segression side project and the ammount of CDs they sold. - Segression. - Pogonologists. - Batting off to the female news anchor of Al Jazeera English News. - The noble Caracal. - The fact that none of the women at Singapore Hooters have remotely large boobs. - That early 90's dance song with the woman who haphazardly chirps the phrase "the painter stole the rug...he's a dirty son of a gun". - Males that actually liked "Kittie". - Lorenzo Lamas and his evasive abilities. - Pete Wentz's dictative ways. - Proposing Hatebreed do a cover of Steps' "Don't stop, never give up, hold your head high and reach the top" song. - Waiting for Pizza Hut or Domino's to start an ad campaign where they butcher Queen with "Another one bites the crust". - The drummer from Starship, specifically in the video for "We built this city". - How the reformed Alice in Chains had a Tool coverband open up for them on several shows in the US. - Chuck Norris' ultra-conservative values. - The singer from Smash Mouth. - Men who have girls names, like the guy from Everclear. - Offering to fuck someones "inny penis" provided the inside is lined with pubes. - Telling someone that you are currently suffering from a particular illness, and having them inform you that "It's going around at the moment", as if they were a biochemical scientist. - That episode of The Golden Girls in which Rose dates a midget. - Spending your youth convinced that the "card attached" line in the Golden Girls theme song was actually "Heart Attack", and wondering why they would be so insensitive by mentioning cardiac arrest in the theme song of a TV show centred around 4 old ladies. - Hoping that Jamie Durie refers to fucking hot MILFs as "Durie Duty". - Knowing the guy from that drink driving ad that says "Depends who's at the party mate!". - Calling people douche under your breath, and then swearing that you said dude when they ask. -Owen Thomas walking down hills. - When that woman in Michael Moore's 'Sicko' documentary said she was "bitter" after being refused medical insurance because she had a yeast infection in the past. - Still finding it funny when you pull on a wet tree branch and soak your friends. - Telling a group of people you are as mature as an "aborted foetus", not realising one of the girls in said group had recently aborted a foetus. - Trying to imagine how different your life would have been if Nestle' hadn't changed the name of 'Quik' to 'Nesquik'. - People who refer to themselves as "the mad sweeper". - Threatening to fart in someones coffin and then seal the lid. - Sporks. - Babar. - Wishing you were the guy that went "wooh!" during Eric Clapton's solo in the live version of "Leyla", which is now played daily around the world. - Using old timey sayings, such as "I'm in the wars" and "Heavens Damergatroid!" in a contemporary context. - Mentally cementing your vote for Kevin Rudd the second you found out that he likes getting wasted and looking at tits. - Having people ask you why your car is dented, and telling them you hit an old lady, without making mention of the fact that said old lady was actually in a car at the time. - Trying to decide whether the North side of the "Northern suburbs vs Southern suburbs" is Montague or Capulet. - T-Pain - Seriously... T-Pain! - Auto Tuned Vocals (see above) - Good ol' fashioned family misogyny, courtesy of Channel 31. - Being convinced that "Sweet heart, you've got the calves of a prize winning stallion!" is a really good pick up line. - Aspiring to a W.A.S.P.esque aesthetic for your band's image. - Losing all control of your equilibrium due to labryinthitis and having your friends convinced that this means your actually beginning the first stages of transforming into david bowie. - Anyone named chris brown, primarily the r'n'b singer and the metal PERTHonality. - the thought that T-Pain gets "paid for nothing" due to a bankroll error and that he will soon have his escalade and his diamond encrusted grillz repossesed as the only copy of his cd moved was the one that Raffe bought. - Deleteing
about 100,000 times while converting this list into a text boxDYSCORD LIVE:

Dyscord Live @ Capitol (WA) supporting Killswitch Engage & Unearth

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Dyscord Live @ Capitol (WA) Supporting Killswitch Engage & Unearth

Dyscord Live @ The Gaelic Club (NSW) on The Black Dahila Murder Tour

Sounds Like: Unwashed Hair Metal
Record Label: Prime Cuts
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Faster Louder HQ Review 16/05/08

Taken from Faster Louder:Three songs in, while his bandmates fiddled knobs to solve some kind of minor technical issue, Dyscord vocalist James Herbert reminded the small HQ crowd of the evening's ag...
Posted by Dyscord on Mon, 19 May 2008 06:52:00 PST


Hey Peoples!Our debut album Dakota is now in all good stores near you!!It is now available at JB HiFi, Sanity, Target, 78's and pretty much any other store that sells cds! BONUS!annnnd if its not in s...
Posted by Dyscord on Sat, 03 May 2008 05:21:00 PST


Posted by Dyscord on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 04:13:00 PST


Dyscord would like to extend their gratitude to all attendees of this weekends’ album launches. Both shows exceeded expectations of radness!   Big ups to you all, and hope you enjoy the alb...
Posted by Dyscord on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 02:57:00 PST


Posted by Dyscord on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 09:58:00 PST


Posted by Dyscord on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 12:42:00 PST


Ladies and Gentlemen, our debut album is complete.It is titled "Dakota".It is ten tracks long.It was recorded, produced and mixed here in Perth by Adam Spark (Birds of Tokyo).It was mastered in Melbou...
Posted by Dyscord on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 12:13:00 PST

Dyscord Bookings...?

Posted by Dyscord on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 09:12:00 PST