Be Better , Do More , Be Honest (In Conflicts,Opinions and Love), Make myself AND others around me happier(paradox?) -but still try not to get to serious or cynical), Try not to ask too much of others out side of my boundries, just give as much love as I can to everyone and any one whose willing (its very risky but it feels good), its my attempt to make a contribution. Its all I or any one else realy can do- (better themselves) The world has to solve its own problems on a individual micro-level before any one can ever hope and dream of a civil planet earth. my motivation is to help but i guess im still trying to figure out the best way to save the world. ( we cant just sit back and watch things unfold.)I tried one path in Iraq and now im experimenting with different should try it out , it can only get better and easier..pass it on, --------------------------------C.Province: It is the soldier,not the reporter, Who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier,not the poet, Who has given us the freedom of speech. It is the soldier,not the campus organizer, Who has given us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier,not the lawyer, Who has given us the right to a fair trial. It is the soldier, Who salutes the flag, Who serves under the flag, And whose coffin is draped in the flag, Who allows the protester to burn the flag Notes from a Trigger Hippie ===PEACE IS POSSIBLE---The co-optation of narrowly defined conceptions of peace by national governments who champion traditional power politics has vastly curtailed the ability of those who seek to reform the system to forward the ideals of harmonious coexistence and reconciliation. The reformers must redefine these outmoded, co-opted versions of peace if they are to meet the needs of a truly integrated, multicutural, and multireligious world. By encouraging even more awareness and interaction in our globalized environment, the reformers can draw attention to the fundamental limitations, conceptual narrowness, and unsustainability of projecting social norms and institutions onto other cultures and counties.In other words :use the golden rule+ create better humanistic standerds aka "dont hate: participate"(amongst freinds and enemies) + Dont try to fix the world before you can fix yourself!+ PAY IT FORWARD....sooner or later it will hit every one)............good karma goes a long way ...thats how were gana do it feeling those good vibrations......World Peace starts with innerpeace.............i had to go to war to find my peace....................Interests music,meditation, freinds, relaxing , out doors, partying, art,philosophy----------well i always try to do more ,, i make ( i play piano well and all sorts of other stuff alright lol) i write ..poetry (check my blogs) i love to take, i used to ..draw but dont much any more (my drawings are strangly very dark) , i love to share ..philosophy if that counts as an art form loli love to enjoy music too and art and film even diff kinds of food and drink, carpe dium
Who I'd Like To Meet Like i said , im very open , i cant realy judge any one untill iv actually meet them lol, talking is one of the best ways ..i think i like alot of these far out , expiremental type people ,like me.chances are if u like me, i like u;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;............MESSAGE FOR 9-11....."Rejoyce, Rejoyce, We have no choice , but to carry on"...[ I wrote this to every one last year on 9/11/05 while i was in iraq ...well i saved it and here it is again... the difference is that Im back in the states now ...peacejack ](in my stupidity i deleated this whole message about what 911 meant to me so i will do my best to retype the whole thing)(it took me ilke an hour and i am very pissed off here goes)( i can alredy tell its not the same lol)Be happy, as people we have made a difference since 911as u will undoubtbly hear on the news today and remember, like waking up from a sickening dream, trying to go about ur day as the world crumbled around u, i remember, the days of fear, heros and villains, the days of patriotism and stereo types, tears and litle flags, i remember, for a short time every thing was shut down, and there was no drone and hum of an american airship and for a short time everyone stood behind each other , and through our pain we had a fleeting glimps of brotherhood but also hatred, hatred to the "terrorists" who had done this , faceless at first , untill our blind eye was open , and we started to be "alert" for suspicios types in air planes, buses, even shoes, so we came up a colors to determine how scared to be and then we were good ,so we went to afganistan and found every tom, dick and harry, lookin for osama, but secretly , i never felt scared, i felt guilt --let me explain i herd about the first plane on the radio as i woke up and thought it was and acident at an airport and "maby a pilot got hurt" as i grogly drove to school, i was 17 and 18 in 12 days i was a lil late (but that was normal lol) when i got to zero hour every one was watching a plane crash on telemundo , i was like "oh shit , this must have been what i herd about , man i hope none of those mexicans got hurt" wrong again the second plane hit and we started to get other stations, it blew my mind when i found out it was new york on our way out the door we got word of the pentigon i walked down the hall to first period and my head was spinning before the pentigon thing i thought it was some horrible accident then a song came over the school radio "what a wonderful world" by Louie Armstrong it couldent have been done like that on purpose, of course still it was the worst song for the moment and disturbed me so much i still cant sit though the whole song to this day that song came on at the peak of chaos in the hall way people were running , and alot of people just left school, i thought about it in first period they turned off the tv because it was distracting us so i didnt hear about the towers falling until later in second period i saw footage of the buildings and swore i saw little people falling i yelled out , and this girl i realy didnt much care for said "thats stupid, why would any one jump out of a building like that" im still getting over that i tryed in vain to expleain what i saw but got too worked up and left , left the school i cried as i walked to my car i cried as i drove home , when i got home i put on the tv ..after 5 mins i turned it off and never really watched it again for 6 months i though about joining the army , but couldnt because i was still in high school so i developed this growning guilt and helplessnees that built up in side of me untill finnaly after i was old enough , graduated and had thought about it a while i joined the army , and of course since then i have been sent to iraq the incredible guilt and sadness has slowly turned into a massive pride in myself and what im doing , since i got here you dont know what it feels like ( well maby u do lol) to have so much weight on ur shoulders but its like a feather when i see the people and what im doing, and when i think about all the people im helping , friends ,family , all u out there i hardly know , and the whole nation of strangers im doing it for the void left by 9 11 has been filled by an equil or greater amount of good i think now a days , atleast for me --the yin and the yang , dark and light 911 fucked up my life but then put it back together too maby this whole thing was just a big test ,to try my witts cus i feel almost "healed" and alot smarter i think ill be good when i get home , and i have a great life ahead of me thank goodness i got this 4 year battle for my soul out of the way (9/11-iraq)83 days left till wakeup, 12 till im 22 , ps hmm not bad considering i had to re write the whole damn thing !UHHGGG originaly it was more like a poem i feel like i slaped some of my soul on this keyboard , twice lol i have pics but will send them at another time ,they dont go with my message lol it was a 110 degrees today , i knew it couldnt last lolPEACE if only peace of mind Trigger Hippie
iraqi jam..I am ROCKING-THE-FUCK-OUT on my keyboard in this video!!its alright , u can shake-it...but dont brake-it.. width="425" height="350" ..Hooray I got My own Video on You Tube!!Welcome to Iraq Mutha Fuka!!! ..Current Favorite Artists/Bands : Morcheeba, Led Zepplin,Pink Floyd, The Doors, Ravi Shankar, The Beatles, Radio Head, Jerry Garcia, Dave Mathews Band, Phish, John Coaltrain,Moby, Beck, Chick Corea,The Cheiftains , MORNING WOOD (heard of em?), Rage Against The Machine, Tenacious D(((((((((((((((The Keepers )))))))))are an un-signed indie band with eclectic roots, mainly a fusion of electronic beats and acustic instuments, with a mix of jazz/rock/blues/and trance/industrial. (+ indian and middle eastern influences) , some of the bands we like are Apex Twin, Oasis, Led Zepplin, Postal Service, Square Pusher, Jack Johnson, Charlie Mingus, Chick Corea, Pink Floyd, The Seatbelts, Rush, Queen, Styx, Ravi Shankar ,Weezer...ect ---------I love to jam---------
V FOR VENDETTA!, I Heart Huckabees, Crash, Kingdom OF Heaven, Brave Heart, Black Hawk Down, Angela's Ashes, i like watching independent films and art films are a trip too
hardly any unless at a bar...but adultswim has good stuff sometimes, i sure as fuck dont watch the news...fuck that propaganda shoveling bullshit!lol...does anyone know what color code of alertness we are today?
Favorite Books James and The Giant Peach, 1984, Farienhight 451, Through The looking Glass, Bible ,Torah, Koran...Anarchist Cook Book , Animal Farm ect fav site--- ! check it ..its far out and it has plenty of text to enjoy
....finally a true depiction of what realy is going on in iraq allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" height="350" width="425" data="" .. .. .... I met alot of good people ,I met alot of bad people too, some shot at me ,as long as its about equal i think we'll be all right))))) Favorite Quote "When you were young and your heart was an open book You used to say live and let live.... ....But if this ever-changing world in which we live in Makes you give in and cry -Say live and let die-""life's short , rock hard"..also ""Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance."heres one i made up about life while iv been here... "U live , u love , and u leave"Dream as if youll live forever, live as if youll die today. -James Dean Workplaces Army , Iraq 2005 ....(if its 2006 im back lol Good Luck Iraq....Im back to Launder My Karma