We like to play music!
We like the music we play!
We like you to come to shows!
Seriously, listen to the music, come to a show (any show really-support local music!) and there you go. We all listen to quite a bit of different music. It influences us! You influence us! Thanks! This was swell! Glad we shared this moment!
We are proudly a DIY Band.
We Didn't Say This:
"Their songs are short but sharp, instantly memorable melodic shout-alongs riding a razor's edge of buzzsaw guitars and rhythms bounding relentlessly forward. It's a sound that hearkens back to D.C.'s late 80's post-hardcore past, without suffering in the comparison"- Ian Buckwalter, DCist.com
"Maybe the most exciting young band on D.C.'s rock scene... And while Scanner Freaks calls itself a post-punk band, it's not that angular guitar post-punk exhausting the airwaves. The emphasis is on punk -- CBGB's through Dischord's heyday. This is a noisy band with a touch of psychedelic garage rock."- Matthew Stabley, NBC4.com
"With little more than a year and a dozen shows under their belt, this post-punk quintet is already stirring up quite a reaction in the District. While their sound is rife with comparisons to D.C.'s hardcore progenitors, these Freaks manage to graft their own mix of sweaty garage rock and snarling punk shout-alongs into their two-minute tunes, reminding Washingtonians what it's like to have fun with rock 'n' roll. " - Hilary Crowe, The Eagle Online
"Fuck the Scanner Freaks!" - The New Dumb
Bands We've Played with:
Supreme Commander*
Adam West*
The Holy Fire
The Cadence
Meet the Speakers
the Omega Band
Schoolyard Heroes
Teeth of Mammals
The Velocet
The Horrors
The Vita Ruins
The Jaguar Club
Gaslignt Society
Monkey Brawl
Jelly Sharks
*denotes a pending show
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