**Jessica.A** profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

MySpace Graphics MySpace Layouts MySpace Backgrounds MySpace Codes Glitter GraphicMySpace LayoutsMySpace GeneratorsMySpace EditorMySpace GraphicsMySpace GamesI love to take pictures.I think Dennis Miller and Kevin Smith are comedic geniuses.I love jazz music.I hate the feel of cotton balls on my skin.Peanut butter makes me gag.I adore my husband.I listen to Glenn Beck on the radio every day!I'm a conservative.I believe in being honest.I eat mustard on popcorn.I like fast cars and old classics.I hate socks.I'm addicted to Dr Pepper.I can shoot a handgun... and I can do it well.I've never ridden a horse.I've spent a week in Alaska.My parents are my heros.I like living in Texas.I love to read.I can't stand to see old people cry.I can clean up puke and not get sick.I think comedy is the spice of life.I've finally found something I'm ready to go back to school for!

My Interests

I adore good books, stand up comedy, photography, museums, good music, get togethers with lots of friends, cooking, mixed martial arts, and my husband Chase.

I'd like to meet:

New friends, old friends, old friends who have bloomed into new people. It's amazing the people you can find on here these days!


I listen to a variety of music. I seem to lean more towards rock, (new and old), jazz, and blues these days though. I can appreciate all forms of music.


Stranger Than Fiction, Amelie, office space, tombstone, Boiler Room, KEVIN SMITH, boondock saints, shrek, pulp fiction, dirty dancing, ehh, who am I kidding, this list could take weeks. Movies are a great pass time!


Why don't they have a spot for radio on here? HOUSE!, UFC, history channel, discovery channel, The Office, Friends, Glenn Beck Program, gilmore girls, I'd love to get caught up with 24, ADULT SWIM, CSI,


I read EVERYTHING. Books, newspapers, magazines. I read constantly and love to learn from it.


my parents have always been my heros...

My Blog


I  shot an AR-15 for the first time yesterday.....and I LIKED it! that is all
Posted by **Jessica.A** on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST