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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Two amazing videos.

My Interests

psychology, criminal justice, music, Albatross, my sweetums, books, concerts, serial killers, horror movies, movies in general, clothes, shoes, scarves, car dances, jazz hands, obese cats, hairless dogs, the color green, green tea, earrings, glasses, sarcasm, milk duds, sour skittles, doodling, getting my back scratched, computers, guitar hero, knitting, sewing, fancy beers etc....

I'd like to meet:

Curly Jefferson and Arch Hall Jr.


all kinds really... T.REX, DAVID BOWIE, QUEEN
(in no particular order) talking heads, andrew bird, lucinda williams, starlight mints, radiohead, modest mouse, the shins, ac/dc, billie holiday, yeah yeah yeahs, tom petty, electric light orchestra, spoon, violent femmes, klaus nomi, wilco, ABBA, iggy pop and the stooges, ray wylie hubbard, slade cleaves, scissor sisters, billy idol, elvis costello, dressy bessy, stray cats, shout out louds, the futureheads, meatloaf, tom waits, vampire weekend, mercury rev, nico, pixies, frank black, grandaddy, ugly cassanova, beck, polyphonic spree, neil young, television, danzig, velvet underground, koufax, the who, the cure, b 52s, glam rock, pretty much any rap/r&b/new wave/pop/hair band rock from the 80s and of course ALBATROSS


i love horror/explotation flicks- any thing by dario arengto, fulci and miike, foreign films in general (Delicatessan, City of Lost Children, Amores Perros, Pan's Labrynith- this list could go on and on) zombie flicks (from carnival of souls to redneck zombies to Shaun of the Dead), bubba ho-tep, blood sucking freaks, das experiment, BORAT, a clockwork orange, willy wonka, garden state, Troll 2, one flew over the cuckoos nest, Happiness, I ♥ Huckabees, Cannibal the Musical, Team America, Pan's Labrynth, anatomie, American Psycho, eternal sunshine, Little Miss Sunshine, New York Doll, The Nomi Song, Weatherman, Stranger than Fiction, No Country for Old Men, Juno, Hotel Rwanda, Bad Education, Volver- really any Almodovar, Saved was excellent, drag queen movies (especially Hedwig), christopher guest films, Wes Anderson flicks, big fish- really anything with ewan- also encino man....
Click to be my netflix friend


the daily show, colbert report, conan, adult swim minus the anime, nip/tuck, the riches, flight of the conchords, bizzare foods, anthony bourdain, monk, scrubs, pushing daisies, the office, project runway, rob and big, law and order/csi reruns (not that Miami crap though- I will stick with Grissom thank you very much- Caruso, you were good in Session 9, but your Horatio sucks)--and The Mighty Boosh


i love books- any stephen king, stephen white, dean koontz- when I want to stop thinking for a bit.... psychology and true crime books, lots of the classics, man's search for meaning, a clockwork orange, one flew over the cuckoos nest, geek love, Catch 22, Augusten Burroughs, David Sedaris- pretty much anything involving serial killers or that is psychologically disturbing i really quite enjoy- And anything by Vonnegut. I have been on a Vonnegut spree lately and I am loving it. I finally got a bookcase that takes up pretty much my whole wall and it is already completely full if that says anything- not counting my books still at my moms.


Kurt Vonnegut and my mom. She is the strongest person I know. Also the loudest. And the tannest. I love you mommy dearest.

My Blog


Posted by Tara! on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 06:15:00 PST


1. Homosexuality is not natural, much like eyeglasses, polyester, and birth control. 2. Heterosexual marriages are valid because they produce children. Infertile couples and old people can't legal...
Posted by Tara! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST