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Heather Tron

It goes a little like this...

About Me

I am pretty goofy and like to have and be fun.I just graduated and dunno what to do now... any suggestions?Get MySpace Layouts from nUCLEArcENTURy .COM OR create your own using MySpace profile editor !!!
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My Interests

singing in my car, being overanalytical, laughing at myself, (sometimes in that order), looking out for the underdog, being the shoulder to cry on, feminism, playing video games (rpg's and zelda type games, baldur's gate etc), Hawaii, strongbad, DOMO KUN, other weird japanese stuff, basically any stupid cartoons whether .. or on tv, cuddling, happiness, being able to be my goofass self.

I'd like to meet:

People who will cut my hair cheap, or for lunch or something (and do a decent job lol) I'd like to catch up with old friends, and also meet some Denton people that may actually have/make the time to get to know me and be my buddy (insert sad puppy dog eyes here) (gotta ask me for my screenname- too many crazy exes to post it) or you can call me 212 479 7990Thats not really my number but you should call it anyway, its funny. And, please, I WON'T add you unless I know you (or think youre totally jawsome). I know I have a lot of friends on here, but I REALLY know most of them in person and have a lot of bands and such.... And PLEASE dont leave me messages calling me hot and sexy or whatever, that's instant disqualification :) I promise I'm not interested anyway.


I like all sorts of music! Radiohead, beatles, plastic ono, Bjork, beck, NIN, tool, Bad religion, 80s pop and early rap, Trackstar, salt N pepa, george gershwin, i love strings/violin, the dead milkmen, the cars, PINK FLOYD, good techno/dance, j5, cake, stuff that makes me laugh or wanna dance, presidents of the USA, modest mouse, ugly casanova, michael jackson, grandaddy, portishead, massive attack, violent femmes, rilo kiley, the shins, interpol, postal service, elliott smith, frou frou, primus ... and probably tons more i cant even think of or just dont know about


The Beatles Yellow submarine, Whats eating Gilbert Grape, Pi, interview with a vampire, ernest scared stupid, return to OZ, batteries not included, donnie darko, foreign films/drama, monty python, amelie, howard the duck, neverending story, japanimes, bedknobs and broomsticks, roger rabbit, memento, etc


I mostly hate television and dont watch it, but sometimes certain shows will catch me. I like Star trek, invader zim, and usually TLC (cept the trading spaces and boring shows) I love me some cartoon network (adult swim or ..well any cartoon really), but I would rather shoot myself than watch MTV (I do like the jackass type shows though). Most of the tv thats out is complete drivel or they use stupid stunts to up their ratings (mostly in ways that offend me or make me wanna kill people) lol I wouldnt really, but ya know.


1984, all Harry Potters, Lord of the Rings, Whats eating Gilbert Grape, the end of farenheit 451, vonnegut, Big Friendly Giant, catcher in the rye, george smith, bitch magazine (i know its not a book-but there are actual good articles in it instead of advertising's drivel), virginia woolf


Denver the last dinosaur,... he was the last one and still kept his cool. What's not to admire?

My Blog

19 Years Later

Don't read it if you value the rest of book 7! Seriously, dreadful...
Posted by Heather Tron on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 09:29:00 PST


My blogs I do have on here suck. I really do have better grammar than what's shown in the ones on here..... Anyway... that's all I wanted to say.
Posted by Heather Tron on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 09:47:00 PST

Hmmm this is somewhat accurate

Extraversion |||||||||||||||||| 80% Stability |||||||||||| 50% Orderliness |||||| 26% Accommodation |||||||||||| 43% Interdependence |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Intellectual |||||||||| 36% ...
Posted by Heather Tron on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 10:54:00 PST

If Jesus had my job...he would've quit by now

seriously... my job sucks ass- my bosses are mean and no one leaves decent tips (i made a record $81 for a 12 hour shift on tuesday- thats bullshit btw- so is this--> i usually make about $40 in a 12 ...
Posted by Heather Tron on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 04:05:00 PST

Wow it sucks to not have $$ or a job

so part of one of my fillings totally has been missing for a while - without my knowledge and now i have this huge gaping hole of pain in my tooth and it hurts and.... YAY its the weekend so no places...
Posted by Heather Tron on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 07:50:00 PST

Wood Stain

Ok, so theres this stain or discoloration on my wood floor and everytime i look at it (whether i have in my contacts/or wearing my glasses) I think it is a roach just chilling on my floor.  That'...
Posted by Heather Tron on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 03:16:00 PST

Personality defects!!

Now, I dont think im that brutal but who ever said these things were perfect Class ClownYou are 42% rational, 100% extroverted, 57% brutal, and 57%arrogant. You are the Class Clown. This means...
Posted by Heather Tron on Tue, 01 Nov 2005 05:44:00 PST

A suggestion

Why do people say they want to do things with you and that they will call... but then don't? If you don't want to hang out call anyway and tell them you have other plans! It isn't that hard, and it's ...
Posted by Heather Tron on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

wasps are not my friends

So, earlier today, im sitting on the steps outside smoking a cig and this wasp flies up (more like divebombs) and lands on my boobs.... now... I dunno about you but I was scared. Im not typically afra...
Posted by Heather Tron on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Someone hates my car

I would like to start off by explaining that I am a fairly good driver,.... (not to brag but..) I have a 2002 corolla, which is a pretty decent car, never been in a wreck, or pulled over (cept w...
Posted by Heather Tron on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST