Art, Women, Food, Music, Photography, Traveling, Reggae, Writing, rock-in-roll, Jazz, bongos, Whiskey, Hot Rods, Drums, Surf Rock, Trompbone, BlackJack, PoKer, Espanol, Po0lShark!!, The sweet sexy sound of a saxaphone, Tsunami, Burritos, Sex, Beer, Water, Tattoos, Hot Salsa, Sculptures, Doing tHe SaLsa, Reading intresting shit, Learning new shit, Bob Marley, Cooking for my Ruca, Drawing new designs or Tats, Not working for the man, Movies, Abstract shit,, The Ocean, Spices, Large Cities, and expanding my horizions....
TheBigLebowski!!, PulpFiction, FightClub, RenAndStimpy(boxset), Simpsons(Boxset), ScarFace, Blow, Ghost in the shell, Akira, StarWars(allofem), BladeRunner, HappyGilmour, CaddyShack, VanillaSky, OfficeSpace, CasaBlanca, ShawshankRedemp., GodFather(Allofem except for the third one), Goodfellas, ChinaTown...Dawm what can I say..I love movies.
Late Night HBO porn, lets see...Mostly just late night talk shows really, Conan Obrien, Creg Ferguson, I try to stay away from LenO and Dave letterAss, lets see... Jimmy Kimmel, Miami Ink, Cooking channel, Traveling channel, Animal Planet, Wierd Animes, Cartoons are pretty badass, Venture Bros, Aqua Team Hunger Force(thanks Aris!!) I watch alot of CNN,or at least use too, Dont really follow politics anymore as much as I use too cause it's just too dawm pointless,Other than that television can take uh fat bat in the ass for all I care.
At the Moment.