Poetry, Polka dots, Painting, Pencils, Polaroids, Photographs. Sand, Sound, Stripes, Surf. Bohemian burgeois, Bedroom and ballet dance. writing on hands, body parts and walls. jumping on my trampoline, hugging my friends (some), linking arms or fingers (selective), darkroom b&w film processing, taking my camera apart to clean it, patting dogs (foreheads) and cats(chins), animals. MURDERING cockroaches, biting into orange slices, cutting/breaking things up and putting things together. long walks in my holey sneakers, rainy days while not in holey sneakers preferably at home snuggling with cat at window to homesick. following ants in the garden. smells ard the kitchen during christmas, i also secretly like the sweet sweaty smells of my moms clothing. listening to my crazy neighbour shout and scream.ok more healthy interests also like, wakeboarding, deep sea diving, running, jetsking, blading, cycling(new!) etc.
Jehovah.Billie Joe Armstrong.
Gwen Stefani.
Kate Hudson.
music i grew up with greenday, nirvana, no doubt, foofighters, weezer, smashing pumpkins, nofx, mxpx, incubus, etc., alanis, fiona apple, the spice girls. more music the cure, the velvet teen, voxtrot, damien rice/lisahannigan, sufjan stevens, iron&wine, eight, kingsofconvenience, stars, doves, mogwai, toriamos, U2, silverchair, broken social scene, mazzy star, sigur ros, the get up kids, mew, modest mouse, ldoa, joanjett, ledzep, sunnydayrealestate, yann tiresen, the yeahyeahyeahs, mineral, thegloriarecord, zookeeper, bjork, fsf, beastieboys, deathcab, postalservice...fingers lazy stops here.
now and then, trainspotting, almost Famous, the neverending story, the little mermaid, indiana jones, pocahontas, the professional, SLCPunk, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, AllDogsGoToHeaven, girl interrupted, garden state, the notebook, cryingoutlovefromthecenteroftheworld, donnie darko, jeaux de enfants, amelie, LOTR, life is beautiful, braveheart, taxi1,2,3, dead poets society, remember the titans, reality bites, crazy/beautiful, dancer in the dark, center stage, big fish, hitchkiker'sguidetothegalaxy...
I dream of Jeannie, CSI Lasvegas, Joan of Arc, Grey's Anatomy, That 70s show, Kimsamsoon, The cave of the golden rose
ariel, tuesdays with morrie, anna and mister god, to kill a mockingbird, the melancholy death of the oyster boy
Jehovah, my mum and dad, my aunt