Film, new and classic rock, horror Lit, writing, history, Anthropology, Archaeology, Scuba, Surfing, Sailing, Native American cultures, Australian aboriginal culture, video gaming. Phil Hendrie radio show, WC Fields, Marx Brothers. Laurel and Hardy.
surfing freaks, writers, time travelers.
Dylan,Beatles,Soundgarten, Floyd, Nirvana,Gabriel, King Crimson,Yes, Stackridge, Bowie, Stones, Hives, Dead, Doors, Jazz, Classic/progressive Rock, The Darkness, Jimmy Page, Hendrix, Lennon, McCartney, Peter Gabriel, Eno, and on and on
Any good horror, SF, Alien films, Kubrick, Lynch, Waters, Ridley Scott, Peter Wier, Peter Jackson. I like just about any genre of film, studied more film in college than anthro I think............
Well, there are a few good shows on the History Channel and A&E. Lost, Masters of Horror/Sf, Best TV series ever- The Prisoner. Best Horror/SF- Outer Limits/Twilight Zone, Family Guy.Mostly just watch films though, network TV sucks for the most part.
anything historical, fiction or nonfiction. Anthropological tomes. I like suspense or horror fiction.
they're all gone.