d. delano profile picture

d. delano

open wide your eyes...www.mercrediw.maquille.com/

About Me

a little girl, a little boy, and all the snails they have drawnThis is the story of a little girl, a little boy, and all the snails they have drawn. These snails were there when all these songs came into my head. One day, they found a musical shell. Dr Nivet Street. Clement played bass, he had fallen in love a few weeks before. He was less concentrated but felt better inside. Baptiste left his shell to play drums, he was in love too. I knew it because he told me about her sometimes, when he wanted to see her coming back from the north of the earth. Matthieu played electric guitar and buzuki sometimes. He had been truly in love with a girl for a long time. An older and wiser man called Didier Lamaze came into our shell and kept some remembrance of our music. It was on the 4th of January 2007. We were so cold. Then, two magicians called Julien and Aurelia played the trumpet and the piano and added all the wonders which were missing. I knew there were two stars and a moon which shone on us, and they all had the same name, Damien. I also knew that there was Kütu folk records (Leopold skin, St Augustine and I) which was sheltering us. I knew all of this but most of all, I knew one thing. The only thing I was really proud of, the only thing that I really knew. But all of this is a secret. That I will keep for us. A snail secret. Deeply buried in our shell.all i hope between day and night is to fly over you and tell how it's hard not to land smoothly and perfectly beside you and wake up when you sleep. i.m nothing, i'm small. i needed my friends that time but all i got was a poor imitation of humakind. but of course i was myself. we'll never stop our walk in wonderland, before the sky was stormy and unkind but now we're just soaked by bubbles of soap, writing our story in a shell and taking shelter from the sky. we might leave & go under the water & under a waterfall. we neede to wet our shoes & it may remind me when you went across the lake and joined me. then, i want you to close my and i ask you to kill me twice. i want to build myhomenow. once she said, i'm not a tree but i don't have wings. i'm not a bird, but i don't have leaves, but she was wrong... video "say we are" by "mercrediW"

My Interests


Member Since: 1/27/2006
Band Members: derek delano: guitars, vocals, rodhes, glockenspiel, buzuki, banjo. clement chevrier: bass, fender rodhes, melotron,banjo matthieu lopez: electric guitar buzuki baptiste fick: drums aurelia ravaud: pianoby benita & todd stills thanks a lot!
Influences: elliott smith, bright eyes, fog, mugison, sufjan stevens, antony and the johnsons, matt ward, sigur ros, the notwist, superflu, cocorosie, buck 65, radiohead, thomas dybdhal, grandaddy, lisa germano, adem, vetiver, micah p hinson, maximilian hecker, troy von balthazar, eels...video "spread our little wings" by mercrediW
Type of Label: None