Music, goin' out with my friends, gigs, pubs, singing, video games, photography, reading...
Editors, Robert Plant, David Guilmour, David Bowie...View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
Editors, The Pigeon Detectives, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Maximo Park, The Rakes, Kaiser Chiefs, Snow Patrol, Telephone, Emilie Simon, The Sunshine Underground, The Hives, B-52's, The Kissinmas, Arctic Monkeys, Bloc Party, Blondie, Blur, Daft Punk, Klaxons, Dirty Pretty Things, The Automatic, Katerine, Franz Ferdinand, Gorillaz, Kasabian, Mumm-Ra, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Scissor Sisters, Stereophonics, Supergrass, The Darkness, The Fiery Furnaces, The Strokes, The White Stripes, U2, Art Brut, Polytechnic, The Who...
The Pianist, Harry Potter, Sleepy Hollow, Edward Sissorhands, Big Fish, The Corpse Bride, Mars Attack, Beetlejuice, Les Bronzés, Les Bronzes font du ski, La cite de la Peur
Daria, Mac Gyver !!
Zola, Balzac, Robert Merle and many more
we can be heroes just for one day