Music, films, comedy, music, films and comedy and music, films and comedy. I like ranting at things i can't change. Like music television. My tv in fact has a plastic cover and a trough to collect the bile i reguarly vomit at it.
I'd like to meet:
Id like to meet Gandhi. Just to see if I could provoke him into a fight.
Im not particuarly interested in the aquisition of friends through myspace. For me its a way of staying in contact with the friends i have, unless of course your any of the following:
The Wildhearts, A Beautiful Woman, Chris Morris, Bill Hicks, Twiggy Ramirez, A Beautiful Woman, The Spaced crew or A Beautiful Woman. Comedians and musicians. Never be bored again.
I'm a bass player looking for as much work as I can. I really don't care about the genre of the music. I think a good song can transcend that.
Bands ive been a part of include : Neon/Nihon/Leave Now, AktuAlsize(Guitar), Harlot, Deepthrowt, Bleach, Child Version 1, Thracia, Death To Radio(Guitar), Dollarsent(Guitar)and The SpudHearts.
When it comes to listening i like, Metal, Punk, Ska and a little bit of industrial. Bands in particular are THE WILDHEARTS, Therapy? 3 Colours Red, The Yo Yos, Janus Stark, Green Day, Metallica, Alkaline Trio, Rancid, Apocolyptica, Rammstein, and of course Johnny Cash.
Are good. Apart from all american teen comedys. Any movie exec who wants his cinematic vision of high school to be a place where shootings dont exist there's no war on terror( terrorists: allergic to bullets and dont hold grudges) and its sunnny all the fucking time must be sent back to school to repeat his years clad only in a platinum wig and a mini skirt. Fuckpigs. Airplane!, The Naked Gun films, Hot shots!, The Crow, The Monty Pythons, pretty much anything by Michael Moore, Team America, V for Vendetta, The Godfathers, Pretty much any superhero movie ever made( This includes to my shame SkyHigh...)Shawshank, The Green Mile, Josie and the Pussycats, Blade, The Lost Boys, Interview with a Vampire, FFC's Bram Stokers Dracula( because its so, so, so fuking poor its hysterical. Ditto Queen of the Damned) Se7en, Lock Stock, Red Dragon, Silence of the lambs, The Addams Family films, Back to the Future, Guest House Paradiso, Over The Hedge, The Bucket List, Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead, Lost In Translation, Planes Trains And Automobiles, Battle Royale, Theres Something About Mary and finally one of the finest movies ever commited to celuloid : Weekend at Bernies.
Comedy. Spaced, Black Books, Jam, Blue Jam, Brasseye, Nathan Barley and The Day Today. BILL HICKS, Father Ted, Big Train and Red Dwarf, Peep Show, Bottom, The Simpsons, Malcolm in the Middle, American Dad, Family Guy, South Park, Scrubs.
I would like to own a second hand bookstore. Wear a long black coat, be very rude to customers, drink red wine, smoke endless cigarettes until I die, alone, upside down on the floor of a pub toilet. Richard Morgan, Terry Pratchett and books on psychology. I used to read alot of Anne Rice specifically the Vampire Chronicles. I personally feel its a waste of time sifting through 500 pages of narrative about velvet curtains and waistcoats for a page and a half of vampire story.
My dad, mum and brother before all others. The AktuAlsize crew are all brilliant blokes. They gave me the first chance to offer some songs. Even though im not in the band anymore I still sit down with songs and think this would sound so good... Northern Matt for being pretty much my best mate for 5 years. He's a really moral. honest bloke that stands up for what he believes in. Twiggy and Ginger cos they're under rated song writing Gods. Gods I tell thee. Nathan Gibson is the first bloke i met who inspired me to write songs. He showed me that regular working joes can do it. Hes also at least partly responsible for any musical ability i have, allowing me to be his wing man for so long was inspiring. Hes also a damn good friend. Im still a little in awe of him to be honest (Boat Drinks!). Also Matt Owen and John Hird. For giving me a job and teaching me one or two things about living in the real world. I miss 'em . . . and of course my friend Tish for her never ending support, when I needed it most X