Myst?riØus FrØgg?r™ {7.2k}{MV} profile picture

Myst?riØus FrØgg?r™ {7.2k}{MV}


About Me

Hi, my name is Jeremiah; It is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "the Lord exalts."

Self expression is everything to me; "One of the best things to do sometimes is simply to be." -Eric Butterworth. So, my friend be true to me and those around you. I will respect you.

Love, is what I live to give, and receive; A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.~
~ "Teach only love for that is what you are." -Unknown

You can never know to much. Live every day to learn; "The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live" - Mortimer J. Adler

Computer's are important to me. Everything from my school work to my hobby's lead to the great invention of computer's. I have respected this to such a degree I have engaged my self into learning every aspect I can comprehend. So, in other words I am a computer "Geek";"Intelligence of a computer ly's with the intelligence of the user."-JDP~
~If you ever have any question regarding electronic's. Don't be afraid to ask I'll do my best to help.

Sports, are amazing, and a important part of my life. I am a swimmer, and diver. I swim the 500 free a littel under 6 minutes. I have not competively dived yet my best dive is probaly 2 1/2 forward pike.

People like to say that I'm a computer geek/nerd... I love Geeky things... But I am in love with sports and keeping active...
Why: ~I love old school video games.
I am the biggest Sonic The Hedgehog fan in the world... ~
~I love Mario My italian buddy and Luigi.~
~I am a total computer geek. You can ask me any thing and I will help ya out.~

~I love school sadly I hate the school I am going to but I love school.~

~ I am going to Westminster High School currently.~
I am a SWIMMER and that means alot to me ...
br~I run the Chess club at my school. If you ever want to play me to try to beat me I am glad to play anyone it is the greatest game live.~
I need some kind of "girl" friend.

~ I forgot I love Girls!!!~

~*~I LOVE HUGS!!!~*~
You know who my hero or heroine?
I don't but I think any one who has ever affected my life for the good.
Teachers, friends, coachs, and family.
I love those closes to me.
Megan my Sista from anotha momtha
Jon my bestest friend
Melissa she rocks my world and owns me...
Stephanie Changed my life shes a great FRIEND