Jimbob skwirtypants profile picture

Jimbob skwirtypants

I HATE MYSELF and WANT to make piE's!!!!!!!!

About Me

I AM great, But I suFFer from 'being great' sickness in the mornings, I dont go out as much as I used to because it makes me sick how much better I am then everyone. If you see me in the street please dont talk to me because I hate your inferiority. -bow to me!

My Interests

Climbing tree's, eating worms, open heart surgery, rocket fusion, flashing old people, making honest remarks about women's bums, rimming them bums 4 redemption, thum wars with joseph witnesses, making up interests because inside im empty. tea party's.

I'd like to meet:

Ian Mcmillan, Marcel Duchamp, A load of dead people who arnt scary, James Diable, My dads mums dad.. I think he was a yank but Hes a secret so shush! Myself when I was 14 so i could say fucking shave that off your fucking face you look like a pikey and also warn myself not to listen to my mums advice on anything she gets pissed on 2 drinks for fuck sake! }People who dont need antihistamines in order to accept convention is not compulsory.


All my cd's are fucked thanks to my old housemates- I think mainly reese cos he likes to hide underneeth his arm


a saw a film! but it was the wrong one.


I aint got no t.v mister, and if I have....YOU cant prove it.I won't be buying no lisence, no sir........


..the rum diary-H S Tompson, the tim burton book with a really, really long name, most pop-up books.


He-man, Hunter s Tompson, Mr Tickle, V Van Goth cos hes lost his pink, The big pink blob who shows himself after staring into a light, Jesus Christ, Charlie from casualty.

My Blog

a terrible tale of a terrible terrible life

Do you know me! He demandingly calls out to a cold empty echoey hall,  He hadn't really expected an answer, a rhetorical question , but yet not quite. Still not to receive even his own echo...
Posted by Jimbob skwirtypants on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 06:17:00 PST


Now a few years into his 7th year, this was to be little Lord Ralph's first celebration of this illustrious event, and so he gathered his most beloved friends to share with him an historical day. The ...
Posted by Jimbob skwirtypants on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 06:11:00 PST

Jonathan creek is a knob

Jonathan creek is a knobGosh I need some noshTaken out the crap Golly im off my trolly One day I ate some cheap chicken, Because I felt like it, also I had got to piss for pork.My frantic for orange, ...
Posted by Jimbob skwirtypants on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 03:37:00 PST

4 hours a-c

Hmmm;-     the joys of public travel a tantalising joy so sweet it makes my teeth tingle.  Yes a sweet taste that we all, as a civilised culture dream of licking. Oh and what...
Posted by Jimbob skwirtypants on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 07:10:00 PST