Brenda aka Mischievia profile picture

Brenda aka Mischievia

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

New Pics, New Pics!!! (check albums)

KEYBOARDIST, SINGER, SONGWRITER, PROGRAMMER the process of recording and unleashing all inner imagination/insanity, constantly looking for a new way to unlock the lock-up in my lid by whatever means possible. My soul is driven by rhythm, in love with energy, though sometimes slinks down into a cozy chair to dabble deeper into etherialism and surrealism. Music is my marriage, my love, my life. I've played piano since I was 3, and haven't stopped yet...only now I'm more into the digital realm of drum machines, loops, samplers, and recording software. Keep an eye out for my debut in the upcoming year.... check out some clips in the meantime from my website...

BEEN CRAZY ENOUGH TO SIT ON A LIVE CROCODILE, tackle black diamonds on my first day ever downhill skiing, drive 30hrs straight in a vehicle by myself across country and borders - challenges fire me up like hell, I love stimulation - can't stand being idle. But at the same time, I've always been grounded enough mentally and spiritually to buckle down the craziness when I need to get serious...can't be way out there all the time... I understand what it takes to support myself and survive anything life throws at me. Oh, and in case you're wondering... YES, obviously I love super spicy anything!, men, culture...

I'M ORIGINALLY A SNOW BUNNY - BORN AND RAISED IN CANADA - amazing, beautiful country, but really, REALLY cold in the winter... and I've always hated the cold... can't stand it actually, which is probably partly why I've traveled so much and had to get out of Canada. I've been as far away as Africa, Europe, Mexico, USA...obviously I like to travel, and tend to gravitate towards worldly people too. If there's one thing I need to say to the world, it's TRAVEL PEOPLE!! Not only does it expand your world in every aspect imaginable, but it's guaranteed to teach you so much...whether you like it or not, and almost always helps put things in perspective. I have an immeasurable amount of gratitude for the people and experiences I've come across in my travels, and have been humbled greatly by them all.

I JOINED MYSPACE MAINLY FOR THE NETWORKING END...a person can never have enough friends and aquaintances in a lifetime, and this place is a great avenue to do just that. I'm not saying I'm closed to people interested in communicating with me on different levels, only it's not my priority. I live in Sin City, so casual sex and stuff like that is a dime a dozen, and quite frankly mundane and unrewarding for us resident non-transients...we Las Vegans still have to live here after all y'all have misbehaved and ran away, so don't bring shallow souffle to the table please! I'm more interested in sustenance... and I offer back the same. I'll be out on the track running just as hard as you, maybe even harder, and at worst, I guarantee a good race!!


like I said...I'm into networking, and I think we'd all be further along in this game called life if more of us would get together and work together, rather than work alone or against each other. In the words of my favorite Sports company logo...Just Do It!! That's what life's really about!
Mischief & Happiness to you all!

My Interests

INTERESTS ...hmm...

BELLY DANCING!!! Ching, ching, ching!!...

MUSIC of course.
Recording using Logic Pro...I'm still trying to figure the whole @#$*%&* thing out and it's making me crazy... Love it!!

MISCHIEF...not wise to wear things your dog or cat would play with around me... and don't pass out.

YOGA... there's no better way to have your ass kicked!!!! You seriously all need to try it!!!!

ROLLER SKATING - old school style (you know...two in the front, two in the back - the way it's supposed to be. Uh, hmm...;).


DRIVING WITH MY TOP DOWN... (uh, my convertible... what were you thinking?).

HOT WEATHER... call me a desert lizard... I love heat! Plus, I'm traumatized from living in the ice and snow of Canada too long... do YOU know what -50C feels like?????!!

MEETING UNIQUE PEOPLE The normal ones scare me!

READING - non-fiction and stuff that makes you think is my certificate in life's university.

EXOTIC TRAVEL... love being immersed in fantasy, and unfathomable places on earth... plus culture fascinates & stimulates me.

THE EARTH - o.k., I'm a little closet-granola... and I recycle.

HIKING... something about stepping on raw ground that's been contoured and created by something greater than mankind gives me the coolest energy high beyond any extra long-lasting Duracell... and small tingles.

Speaking of tingles...

SEX...yes, I'm out! I'm healthy and proud!

SMILING... sure, it can be an interest. Look at the people around you... who would you rather share your curry chicken with... the grinner, or the scowler?

SPONTANEITY... plan it, and I'll crash it.

PHOTOGRAPHY... it's like wearing another eyeball with it's own totally unique perspective.

MY FEAR IN LIFE... is wondering "WHAT IF I HAD..." - Scary, scary, scaaaarryy!!! I always want to at least try whatever it is I'm thinking about so I never ever have to face that horrid "what if" question. Thinking about something is DEFINITELY not the same as doing it!!! Actions all the way... even if it means falling down and getting scraped knees and elbows!! At least I know I tried!!... and probably had a whole spate of fun doing it too!!!

There's more, but you'll have a much better time discovering them yourself... I'm a click away... IF you dare...

I'd like to meet:

People who's words match their actions... "gum bumpers" need not apply.


Dancehall, Reggae, Hip-Hop, Rap, Pop, Soul, R and B, African, Dance, Rock


Check out Mischievia's Music page here...

(click on the picture below)



Non-Fiction, mostly.


If you like reggae and dancehall, and you're in the Vegas area on a Saturday, be sure to check out D.J. Handgun @ the Aruba hotel!!! (details below)

My Blog


I was talking with someone the other day over some tasty Thai food (Lotus of Siam in Las Vegas...mmmmmm!!!), and the subject of happiness came up somewhere between the cashew chicken and seafood mixtu...
Posted by Brenda aka Mischievia on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 03:27:00 PST

Meet my new baby...

Not too sure what it is with me and black cats... but they somehow find me, and then insist on keeping me!!! Could be that I was born on the 13th (I even turned 13 on Friday the 13th!!!!!) and someho...
Posted by Brenda aka Mischievia on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 04:23:00 PST


Sending out special greetings today of gratitude, good health, prosperity, and happiness to my extended Canadian family and friends!! Enjoy the good eats, company, and good times!!!...
Posted by Brenda aka Mischievia on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 02:02:00 PST

OH BOY... Mischievia Steps Into A Photobooth @ NAMM....

Yep. Already warned everyone via my interests section about leaving "things" around me I might be tempted to tamper with... I'm mischievous!!!!! Hence, um... Mis-chie-via??!! This time, it was at ...
Posted by Brenda aka Mischievia on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 03:40:00 PST

Los Angeles NAMM show Highlights Jan. 2007

For all those non-music people... the NAMM show is North America's largest congregation of music merchants & manufacturers. It's held every January in Los Angeles, and every company who has any produ...
Posted by Brenda aka Mischievia on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 04:33:00 PST

Darker For The Moment

So I finally changed my profile pic... (thanks for taking such a great shot Keith!). Believe it or not, this was taken on a beautiful sunny day @ 8:30am in the Muir Woods (Redwood Forest), San Franci...
Posted by Brenda aka Mischievia on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 05:56:00 PST


Mes Amis,For anyone who hasn't experienced the absolute instantaneous horror and catastrophe of suddenly losing your computer's internal hard drive, (your life, your work, your leisure, your love, you...
Posted by Brenda aka Mischievia on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 03:55:00 PST

Pic for E

MOST girls like to take pictures with NICE cars... noooo, not us. We made it our mission that night in the Mandalay Bay parkade to find THE most disgusting, dirty, ugly, & dillapitated vehicle possib...
Posted by Brenda aka Mischievia on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 05:31:00 PST


A small ode to my Northern roots...This weekend I get to play with fire and explosives TWICE...(smirk)... AND double BBQ's!! Why, you may ask? I'm a Canadian living in the USA. Canada Day - July 1s...
Posted by Brenda aka Mischievia on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 06:53:00 PST


Strange, but most of these were taken in a bathroom!!?! I guess I do weird things on my B' living in Las Vegas has de-sensitized me to all the "normal" fun most people have... I can go to t...
Posted by Brenda aka Mischievia on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 02:49:00 PST