Peter profile picture


I am here for Dating

About Me

I like donkeys. If I had a donkey and someone ever stole it, I would sue to replevy it. I would name it Pete after myself. I would never fetter it and leave it to be negligently hit in a last clear chance doctrine type situation.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

I want to meet other people who like donkeys. Maybe I will find a special lady who will marry me and help me start my very own donkey farm. Then it would just be me, my lady, and a bunch of donkeys, and we would never talk to or see anyone else. We woulsn't sell the donkeys, just ride them and pet them and feed them, and let them watch TV with us in the living room and let them sleep with us. But I wouldn't sleep with my lady-friend, I would have a separate bed for me and my donkeys, and she would have a separate bed for her and her donkeys.


Tenacious D (the D is for donkey)


2 Mules for Sister Sarah - mules are kind of like donkeys. In fact, mules are half donkey. But mules are all barren and are only good for carrying stuff. Donkeys can breed, and it's a good thing, too!


I don't have a TV, I'm saving up to buy my first donkey. But if I did, I would play Donkey Kong all the time, even though he's really a gorilla.


The book about "I don't care, said Pierre." If I were French, my name would be Pierre. But I'm American. Fuck the French.


Carter and Dean Seligman. But mostly Carter.