Singing (obviously hehe), reading, writing, History... that includes an increasing desire to get connected to archaeological contacts, and learn more of this fascinating science, that opens a portal to new dimensions of history that I have previously not considered or taken time to appreciate... within that sphere, the musical sphere opr others, I also like meeting new people, seeing new places, and living life to the max..
I'd like to meet:
Someone interesting who is able to relate to alot of my interests here if possible, but even moreso is in a similiar mindset with fundamental things... If there is the feeling of being in the wromg century, then even better....
Music contacts: fellow singer and songwriters, aswell as instrument based people, as I would like to learn how to read and write the music itself also, plus learn how to play guitar...
They say time waits for no man.. or woman, for that matter. That is why I write you now. I am an aspiring artist, seeking to make his mark on a world increasingly in need of some inspiration, encouragement and blessing. I am 28, and I have a dream. This is to be a singer/songwriter. But not just ANY singer/songwriter.. but one who, like Picasso, Davinci, and Descartes, can get people to think about the art that I offer them. No, it is not a visual art, or an invention or a Philosophy...per se. Rather, it is a small part of the universal language. Played on the instrument of my passion, and drive, it is an art form, I believe, that I am meant to offer and share to whomever may feel benefitted from it. But we are not islands unto ourselves, and as such, I realize the benefit of interaction with others on the same quest, alongside whom I can grow in my craft, and learn greater, and more profound ways to speak the language that can reach into anyone's heart, who takes the time to listen. Within the melodies will be the words. Words of hope, words of power, and, if I am fortunate, words that may just make an impact and difference, on an eternal scale. Having been influenced by the likes of Keith Green, Steven Curtis Chapman, Third Day, Phillips, Craig and Dean, Mercy Me, and others, alongside those of George Canyon, Paul Brandt, Tim Mcgraw, and Lonestar, all these among others, my hope is that, like them, I can use music to reach into the heart of the listening public, and like the first few singers more specifically listed, my hope is that I may affect those that hear, for the better. In short, my desire is to seek out and find, fellow music lovers, who, like me, have the dual influences of Christian, AND Country music, and who desire to meld those two into a cohesive mix of music that is fun to play, relaxed to be a part of somewhat, and yet powerful in its deliverance and message. Not to be taken as simply another 'religious' expression, but as that which speaks truth, and imparts Grace to all who hear, and in so doing, may affect at least one life out there..for the better. I am searching out others with whom I can form a band, where I can bring my writing and singing into union with other singers and writers aswell as guitarists, drummers, keyboardists, and whatever other instruments may come out of the woodwork, to form something that may make an impact. If you are such a person, please feel free to contact me, and maybe a coffee can be set up to throw around some idears... interested? you know what to do...
Keith Green, Steven Curtis Chapman, Ray Boltz, Third Day, Mercy Me, Casting Crowns, Phillips Craig and Dean, Paul Brandt, George Canyon, Tim Mcgraw, Lonestar, Josh Groban, Harry Chapin, Cat Stevens, Supertramp, Kenny Rogers, John Denver, James Taylor, Carole King, U2, matchbox 20, etc etc etc.. so many, so little space for listing.. you at least can see my MAIN influences....
Too many to is, I own prolly like 150 or least.. Movies are my next passion second to music, so prolly like 4 on my top five...
I love the History Channel, TLC, Discovery...channels that help me learn new things, challenge my thinking and inspire me... Occasionally tho I do get into shows that deal with every day life, and have characters I would prolly be friends with in real life... And when I can't tune into them..thank goodness for boxsets! hehe
The Left Behind series, and anything by Phillip Yancey, Frank Peretti, and Josh McDowell, anything on Ancient Egypt, Roman and Greek History, anything on mysteries like Atlantis, the Bermuda Triangle, or increasingly, things that deal with archaeological finds are of interest too....
Above all: Jesus, for all He did for us, and all He is still doing...
My parents- for loving me and always trying their best for us kids....
SCC and Keith Green - two men that have shown me what a man of faith, aswell as a good husband, Father, Singer/songwriter can be about...