Jennifer profile picture


Kickin' snakes.

About Me

If you don't know, you can always ask.
Pictures of Me:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People who like to "shake things up", "rattle a few cages" and "be obscene, be be obscene". Aside from that, people I used to know when I was younger and those who I met in non-myspace. But at the end of the day...send me a random friends request along with a spam message and I'll totally add your crappy band.
Sweet Video:


Check my friend space to get an idea of music I like.


Created by Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch, Alfred Hitchcock, etc.


Cartoons including Scooby Doo, South Park, etc.


Written by Chuck Palahniuk, JT Leroy, Evelyn Waugh, etc.


Independent thinkers.