besides all the artsy fartsy stuff i really do like food.
walter from the big lebowski...OOhh's
music video
i made along with my good friend
and fellow visual artist
gudjon sævarrson
using windows movie maker and a crap webcam.
directed,edited and mixed by peter madsen(sortseer)
and gujohn sævarrson.
"HALLUTRANT" written and performed by the futants.
like Mr. Bill Hicks said "PLAY FROM YOUR FUCKIN HEAAAARRT!!!!!!!" .....and i will like it!!!.
everything D. Lynch did. street trash (a must see!)
...yeah...ive heard of them.
My mom!. Bill Hicks.(comedian) Odd Nerdrum.(painter) richard marchand.(visual artist) alex gey.(painter) storm thorgeson.(multi crap) Leyland Palmer.(the man!)