I make movies. I’ve directed a few award winning short films that have screened at several film festivals. I work in multiple genres including comedy, drama, and action. I’m always working on something new so if you’d like to be involved get in touch.
I’m also an AC and camera operator. I have experience working on features as well as short films using 35mm, S16mm, HD, and SD formats. If you’re looking for crew feel free to contact me.
My IMDb credits
My short film collection DVD
Review of my films "RPS" and "Dustin Voyeur"
My filmography
My resume
Some of my films:
RPS a dream a documentary - Screened at Really Good Film Festival and Chatauqua Film Festival where it won Best Actress, Best Actor, and Best Picture
The Rise and Fall of Dustin Voyeur - screened at Chatauqua Film Festival
Drano - screened at Funniest Filmmaker in Austin competition, Jumpcut Film Festival, Texas Travesty Film Festival, Chatauqua Film Festival, and Austin Sun Fest
Mary’s Car Keys - screened at Really Good Film Festival
Idea for a Movie - screened at SXSW and Austin Student Digital Film Festival
Click the image above to check out my DVD available on Createspace.com , Target.com , and Amazon.com. You can also rent it from I Luv Video and Vulcan Video in Austin, TX. My DVD includes: Red Asphalt (4:36), RPS a dream a documentary (18:45) The Rise and Fall of Dustin Voyeur (10:40) Empty Cradle (6:11), Drano (1:20), and Mary’s Car Keys (4:45). Even if you’ve seen some of them online, buy the DVD to experience these movies in higher quality full-sized glory!