If I say, I will be cast out into the shadows. I love Paris and lyon. My favorite country outside the U.S. is Italy, Yes the pasta and the pizza in southern Italy IS the best, Great britain is not so great, but the PG tips tea I got hooked on. Finland is like a giant Lake Tahoe,Ca. with no people. And the Irish are cool as hell, and, YES, they are all alcoholics. Joking! And the other interests are to do with people and I will not turn this into a pornographic page...:-). New interests: changing the world through local action! Check it out: moveaheadplacercounty.com
Someone like me...lol.... no someone who can be friends and be able to be cerebral. Nouveau Western Video Nouveau Western lyrics - MC Solaar lyrics MC Solaar Music Videos Music Video Codes by VideoCure
LIKE IT ALL! well... except rap, most of it just sucks! lol
Many, Many, Many..... I don't think I like scary movies anymore...
Definitely, The new battlestar Galactica, Starbuck is hot! Now, Heroes. Frasier, gotta love it. The Nanny, I've learned a lot from her mother. And the Golden Girls, that helped me to learn a lot about my friends jennifer and susannah, i.e. Rose.
I can't read! I went to public school.
Bill Cosby, for saying the truth. President Bush for having the balls to go after the Muslim fanatics, Ronald Reagan for making me feel proud to be an American, when I was just a kid. My mother for working 2 jobs just so her children could live in a home, and for her to stand up for what was right, against an abusive husband. My sister for holding on through a tough time in life, My brother for just being there for support. My father for changing his life so late in a positive way. It takes a righteous man to do the right thing in life and stand with his family. Brother Pablo Marie, for helping me at the beginning of my conversion. Mother Mary for changing my direction in life. Bill Westermeyer for showing me how to take care of people in business. Brian T. for always being there for me, even when it caused him pain. A lot of pain!!! LOL. no really! My uncle ruben for helping me with clarity of the mind. My friend Randy who died of A.I.D.S. for helping me when I was alone.