About Me
G'deve my tortured soul, and welcome to MySpace. As many wonder, what do you say in an About Me section? How much of your soul, your essence do you reveal to total strangers as they wander about? Fear not little forgotten ones, for I have the answer. Simply compose whatever you want, and it will be fine.
I have decided to engage upon you a brief rundown on whose Space you are now gazing upon. So, without further adu.
My name is Aaron, and I currently reside in Northern California. I have two wonderful children whom live very far from me and I want nothing more than to hold them close again. I also tend to dwell in the darker side of life. Which suits me. I am quite outgoing, and will pretty much talk to anyone around me.
Having said that, I have laid this space out, so by reading each section you will get a deeper understanding of the things I like in life. If you find this Space interesting, and you desire my friendship...then please, drop me a SpaceMail and an Add Request.
As Always, Have A Wonderfully Enchanting Evening And I Bid You Joyful Journeys.
Birth was my first sin, be here,
to cry, with my scream silence tear...
Life was my second sin, just live,
mock this world, my opinions give...
Love was my third sin, to care,
just worship her, how did I dare...
Questioning was my fourth sin, raise doubt,
my mind use, see no reasons when look out...
Rebellion was my fifth sin, my own rules make,
refuse to obey, not orders from others to take...
Arrogance is my sixth sin, to my own sins list,
to think I know, believe my own sins see in life's mist...
Death will be my seventh sin, to surrender and die,
just release my life, to darkness and oblivion fly...
Which Will and Grace Character Are You?
You're Grace Adler! You're quirky and energetic, and you have soft spot for gay men. You're ultra-creative and you have a funky, crazy fashion sense.
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