i kill hussies... then eat them for brunch profile picture

i kill hussies... then eat them for brunch

I bought a caddy then shot a woman in the neck.

About Me

* A little side note... treat vendors nicely... for they may start acting like postal service workers if customers continue to act like douches * i don't like boys that make me question if their a boy or girl when i first see them. i do like my radio show. i love chinese food and wawa. my mother owns you. chuck klosterman is a great sociologist and writer. working for nabisco isnt too shabby. 1 of my tattoos are shitty (some may not agree). i prefer beer over liquor. i hate when people "IM" me asking a/s/l/m/n/o/p, yes i threw in a few extra letters, but you catch my drift. i hate the latest craze for pirates these days, yes pirates are fun and all, rape and pillage and all that sorts, but your not a pirate, dont pretend to be, you dont have an eye patch or a bird or a fucken pirate ship. so drop it. i hate painting my nails because it takes too long to dry. donnie darko wasnt that great of a movie. i love my friends, every last stupid one of 'em. white girls can barely dance. but yet they try so hard at bars/clubs when their shit faced and legs spread.

My Interests

i like food. in mass quanities. im an asshole. a huge one. .food, my radio show (R.I.P.), i've got nothing exciting...honestly.

I'd like to meet:

ok scratch the "who i'd like to meet thing".... if you have never worked a hard day in your life i dont have time for your bullshit nonsense of an existence.

i/m: coathangrdelivry


Social Distortion. MikeNess solo album thing. Specials. Mad Sin. Cursive. sharks. minor threat, gnr, the stitches, quakes, youth brigade, dead boys, funeral for a friend, unseen, demented are go, alkaline trio, anti-flag, agnostic front, the faint, buzzcocks, flogging molly, a trunk full of dead bodies, Black Flag, american nightmare, children of bodom, small brown bike, at the gates, six going on seven, cramps, and you will know us..., avenged sevenfold (not that bat country bullshit), nekromantix, against all authority, converge, elliott, Every Time I Die, cockney rejects, horrorpops, darkest hour, elvis c. and elvis p., screeching weasel, fugazi, rainer maria, pretty girls make graves, barnyard ballers, new amsterdams, wasted youth, bright eyes (old), desaparecidos, death by murder, lucero, the adicts, the meteors, remembering never, the turtles, styx, shai hulud, as i lay dying, hopesfall, the adolescents, red roses for a blue lady, Misfits, circle jerks, toasters, ednas goldfish, mushmouth, blood brothers, business, the agony scene, choking victim, rise against, leftover crack, gotham road (debatable) , reggie, clash, joe strummer solo, .....The Dead Milkmen...... Dave Blood-R.I.P.


freeway, A.H.X, lilo and stitch, ,wedding crashers, waydowntown, igby, 100girls, a few old 60's/70's horror films i have stashed in my room....sex trek & anal ball busters {greatest porns}, suburbia... and others.


family guy, boy meets world, gilmore girls


House of Leaves and Pumping Irony and sex,drugs, and cocoa puffs and fargo rock city and the redneck manifesto.


My mommy dearest... "and Ralph, cause he's just plain the awesomest ever. He's like the totally hot big brother I never had." no, just my mommy dearest but since ralph put that there himself I will keep it so everyone can see how queer he is.

My Blog

What if everything you touched turned into a can of chilli beans...

that would suck pretty fucken hard. I'd have to kill myself but i wouldnt be able to because the gun or knife or whatever would turn into a can of beans and killing myself by beating myself to death w...
Posted by i kill hussies... then eat them for brunch on Wed, 04 Jan 2006 11:57:00 PST

I just Dr Phil-ed my ass.

so this seems like the only logical way to keep myself awake at the station because the nyquil still hasnt worn off yet after two red bulls and a cup of coffee. something crazy... robert daubert stop...
Posted by i kill hussies... then eat them for brunch on Wed, 16 Nov 2005 11:56:00 PST

the SOLDIER (better read this)

 Now normally I don't like those god damned smiley faces, but this one is on fire, and I guess I feel like a flaming circle right about now. No, No kids, not gay. A flaming circle of RAGE! rarrr!...
Posted by i kill hussies... then eat them for brunch on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

El scamo das vag-o'..

HAHHAA, I bet you clicked it because you thought it would be something interesting or life changing... or if you know me, you clicked it because you knew it would be a waste of time and perhaps all th...
Posted by i kill hussies... then eat them for brunch on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

radio show 3/2

SOCIAL DISTORTION filled weekend, friday and saturday shows which rocked my fucken socks off.. street dogs played with them which is the old lead singer of drop kick murphys band... and i get to inter...
Posted by i kill hussies... then eat them for brunch on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my radio show playlist for today...

i have no coffee left so i shall type to keep me awak during my show... playlist for today... -double shot of Blood For Blood - anywhere but here/hanging on the corner -Bad Luck 13 - homicidal...
Posted by i kill hussies... then eat them for brunch on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Do it kids and watch the magic happen.

Do it, it will be fun, and if it isn't then I jsut lied to you. 1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do you have a crush on me? 5. Would you kiss me? 6....
Posted by i kill hussies... then eat them for brunch on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my old pose

you can find the lamest shit on the internet.. for example.amazing. and i dont know if it will show up but if it does thats my old pose chillin' like a bunch of mad crazy ass villin's. "We .1, We .1!"...
Posted by i kill hussies... then eat them for brunch on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Homework is for the weaklings.

Current mood: awesomely queer. Current music: Rainer Maria - long knives drawn i have no idea what i meant by that comment. but i have homework, and i have a lot of it. if i had REAL frie...
Posted by i kill hussies... then eat them for brunch on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

wednesday and a boy.

yea wednesday was so lame it hurts. well actually it wasnt that bad just school. i started to train a lady at the radio station, shes not really a lady, more of a girl, a younger girl, younger than i....
Posted by i kill hussies... then eat them for brunch on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST