Loud Music-Fast cars-Tattoos-Montreal Canadiens-Ampeg amps-Fender Jazz basses-Gibson Thunderbirds basses-Ernie Ball Stingray basses
People who put there money where their mouths are. People true to themselves and to others and who understand the value of a real friend.I would also love to meet people who, like me, have KT Syndrom, a rare cardio-vascular disorder just to be able to share our experiences.
STP - Audioslave - Papa Roach - RHCP - Guns N Roses -Metallica - Prince - Peeping Tom - Led Zeppelin - Motley Crue (they fuckin rule)THE MONARCHY AT BAR ST LAURENT2
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Harley Davidson and The Marlboro Man-Slap Shot-Bad Santa-When we were kings-Some Kind of Monster-Hurricane-Donnie Brasco-Purplerain-The Corporation-Roger Toupin-Rocky II & III-Hacking democracy-An inconvenient truth (you should all go get that movie.. now!)
The Simpsons-Anything on the ..ary or Discovery chanel except those freakin home renovations show-Biography Channel-MuchLoud-Speed-Hockey-The Monarchy - Info Plus - CD Launch
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The Dirt-Tommyland-D'ou viens-tu berger?-
Nikki Sixx, Muhammed Ali, Prince.
Sixx: A.M. - "Life is Beautiful"
Add to My Profile | More VideosJohnny Cash - Hurt
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