Pootie Poo Poosa profile picture

Pootie Poo Poosa

There is a hole in the moral ozone layer

About Me

I'm a compulsive book buyer and hair cutter. I really like sushi...a lot. Silver shoes and stockings are two of my favorite things and I'm afraid of thunder. I think the force is real. I drink coffee when its cold and tea when its hot. I do the crossword puzzle everyday. Sometimes I have to change the sheets.

My Interests

books, sunshine, ponzu sauce, po-boys, pizza, laughing, traveling, old people, beer, talking, swings, swimming, dancing, kissing, Saints, movies, salad,

I'd like to meet:

The director of The Assassination of Katie Chosa by the Coward Woodland Lovidivich


The Beatles, Decemberists, Ween, The Mars Volta, Papa Grows Funk, Rebirth Brass Band, Led Zepplin, Aesop Rock, Blonde Redhead, Flaming Lips, I also like that song "Free Credit Report Dot Com" but only because I wrote it


Sleeping Beauty, Donnie Darko, Fight Club, Eternal Sunshine, 21 Grams, When Harry Met Sally, Princess Bride, TMNT2:Secret of the Ooze, Home Alone, 3 Ninjas, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Edward Sizzorhands, Nightmare Before Chirstmas, Robin Hood


A recent development of TV watching has lead to a love for trash shows such as Bret Michaels Rock of Love which is probably one of the funniest shows I have ever seen.


A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, Anything Saliger, Little Women, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, Everything Milan Kundera, Kon-Tiki, Lulaby, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Rice Mother, John Steinback, Ken Kesey, Naked Lunch, Jane Austin, Tropic of Cancer, From Papoose to Squaw


He-Man, Spiderman, Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman, Rouge, Wolveriene, Proffessor X, Spongebob Squarepants, She-Ra, Storm, Cyclops, Mangeto, and Woodstock

My Blog

Time-Pic Article..."Blue Skies Smile Down on Battered City"

Read this article and it made me smile... "If you've spent any time in New Orleans over the past seven days, you already know the truth of what I'm about to say: The beauty of this place endures. "As ...
Posted by Pootie Poo Poosa on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 06:05:00 PST

and the green

Every time you step out the door and into a bar in this city everyone wants to be your friend.  I went to the old Latin America last night and had a couple of drinks.  Pretty soon after we g...
Posted by Pootie Poo Poosa on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 09:55:00 PST

Go for the gold

It's funny how different things are in New Orleans as compared to Austin.  I've only been here for two days now, but its hard to ignore.  Last night I went to the Chris Rose book signing for...
Posted by Pootie Poo Poosa on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 10:26:00 PST