Reading, Snowboarding, Wakeboarding, Computers, Video Games, Music I can't believe i'm writing this shit in here i feel like i'm 14 on aol, ick
The first person to look at a cow and say "I'll squeeze these dangly things and drink whatever comes out"The guy who said "see that chicken there?, I'm gonna eat the next thing that comes outta it's butt!"
Fiona Apple, Kanye West, Immortal Technique, J-Z , Beatles, Classic rock, CAKE for sure don't forget Jamiroquai. liked Counting Crows when they were more depressed. In that regard I enjoy Jeff Buckley, Elliot Smith, Jamie Cullum, the Killers, Kings of Convenience. Of course Free element and my personal fav. The late great Schematic
I can't believe i'm still doing this,... Braveheart. If you want a great ghetto movie with tight beats check out Hustle and Flow, a nice feel good movie. Memento, Hudsucker Proxy, Big FISH. almost any movie Johnny Depp is in, queer as it sounds. Eat a Dk! OOo Oooooo and i almost forgot THEEE NOoote BOOok.... pisssssss
I really don't like television at all and feel it could be put to much better use than it's current purpose. I like educational things and unbiased at that. Oh and Bill O'Reilly may you choke on those pieces of shit you eat for breakfast.
Enders Game, 7 Sins of memory, PIMP by Iceberg Slim.. farmer boy jk... who the hell cares... If you do may god have mercy on your time wasting souls
THe Testicle