the underdog mudbutt mutt - pit bull/lab/tiger/sausage..
i'm a rubber, not a fighter..
i grew up with 2 pet rats and a yard full of cats, so i took on a very "small" mentality from a young age, after i was rescued from the Marin Humane Society by a couple of tasty spring rolls.. i'm another one of those 70 lb. sweetfhearts giving pit bulls a good name.. yes, WE ARE EVERYWHERE.. for my more MANLY traits, read my general interests..
love, jesus
AKA g, paisano, seuss, stinkeye, bacony, lord of oaktown, etc...
pee ess.. ahm named me "jesus" cause she is a mental (i.e. offensive) freakshow and cause i am a sweet baby.. my name used to be "baracus" as in B.A. from the A-team, butt ppl couldn't pronounce it and didn't get the reference.. so it goes.. judging by the knowing giggles and titters, jesus was apparently much more poopular than mr. t (butt not more than my uncle T2)