Flash Cocodrilos profile picture

Flash Cocodrilos

rock!!! rock!!! rock it!!!!!

About Me

THIS IS A THE LAST CRAZY INFAMOUS ULTRARARE WILD REBEL ROCK'&'ROLL BAND, BORN IN A BOGGY PLANET AND THEY COME TO BREAK YOUR BRAIN AGAIN WITH HIS NERVOUS RITHYMS... WE EAT ALL OTHER...YOU CAN JOIN COCODRILISM NOW!!! RROOOAAARRRRRR---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ----- ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------- local version: Informes robados de la NASAx-x-2006 Barcelona (capital city)Hace ya un monton de aos dos adolescentes locos por el contacto extraterrestre y la busqueda de discos rallados de los 50 y 60 largaron un viaje a inglaterra para participar en la que sera la famosa pelea en Brighton, ellos eran Gato y Alvar. Entre puos y patadas empezaron a pegar por equivocacin a uno de los suyos el que sera su futuro guitarra, otro joven Barcelons, Mart , un tipo con trastornos mentales comparta la misma aficin al contacto extraterrestre y el rock&roll . Tras la vuelta a casa decidieron formar su propio grupo, Gato a la voz Alvar al contarbajo y Mart a la Telecaster. Una noche de alchol conocieron a Juan un tipo que les salv de una gran pelea callejera, Juan tocava la batera inmediatamente le propusieron tocar con ellos. Passaron horas encerrados en su laboratorio ensayando y en la busqueda del contacto con otro planeta. Una noche provando sus radars lasers de condensador artesanales enviaron una seal con una maqueta suya al espacio exterior por sorpresa suya recibieron un mensaje indescifrable. Passaron das y das entre ensayo y ensayo intentando descifrar el mensaje extraterrestre, una tarde cualquiera Alvar descifr el mensaje "RRRRROOOOOOOOAAAAAAARRRRR!!!!!" la misma noche un rayo cay en el laboratorio, durante una semana nadie supo de ellos pero al cabo de esa semana volvieron a darse ver por el Pub que siempre frecuentavan, pero estavan diferentes, inexpresivos, insociables, ahora ya andan dispersados reuniondese una vez por semana para seguir tocaando sus canciones, cada vez mas sucias, mas freneticas....pero ya no les interessan otros planetas....La unica conclusin que solo una mente inteligente puede sacar de este informe robado es que los cocorilos del espacio, por culpa de su deformadas manos no podian tocar esos instrumentos por lo que transmutaron sus mentes a las suyas para poder dirigirlos en la conquista de la tierra y poder tener manos humanas para tocar ese frenetico Rock&Roll.....------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- English (crocodile dialect) Archivos robbed of the NASA x-x-2006 Barcelona (capital City) already a pile ago of years two crazy adolescents by the extraterrestrial contact and the search of discos rallados of 50 and 60 released a trip to England to participate in which would be the famous rumble in Brighton, they were Gato and Alvar. Between puetazos and kicks they began to beat by mistake to one of his the one that would be its future guitar, another Barcelonian young person, Mart, a tipo with mental problemas shared the same liking to the extraterrestrial contact and rock&roll. After the return to house they decided to form its own group, Cat to the voice Alvar to contarbajo and Mart to the Telecaster. One night of alchol they knew Juan a tipo that saved to them of a great street fight, Juan tocava the battery, immediately proposed to touch to him with them. Passaron hours locked up in its laboratory trying and the search of the contact with another planet. One night provando his radars lasers of condenser artesanales sent a signal with a home tape model hers to the outer space by surprise hers received an indecipherable message. Passaron days and days between test and test trying to decipher the extraterrestrial message, late a any Alvar deciphered to message "RRRRROOOOOOOOAAAAAAARRRRR!!!!!" the same night a ray fell in the laboratory, during one week nobody knew of them but after that week they returned to occur to see by the Pub who always frecuentavan, but estavan different, inexpressive, insociables, now already walk dispersed reuniondese once por week to continue tocaando its songs, every time but dirty, but freneticas....pero no longer they interessan other planets to them.... The unica conclusion which single an intelligent mind can remove from this robbed report is that the cocorilos of the space, because of his deformed hands they do not podian to play those reason why they transmutaron its minds to hers to be able to direct them in the Earth conquest and power to have human hands to touch that frenetico Rock&Roll.....

My Interests


Member Since: 1/24/2006
Band Members: catman & the crokodiles are: - catman ( roars&voices) - mortimer (nervous guitar) - A.F.Costache (slap kicks & bass) - johan sebastian bach (drum noise) - longan piano man (piano´s madhouse)
Influences: Sometime when we listen voices in our heads talkin about frantic rityhms and crazy sounds of the 50's & 60' howls with reverbs and crocodrile roars with starnge echos.
Sounds Like: robot sounds, crocodrle roars, space echos, hassil adkins, screams, and rock&roll all night long.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

como seran estos cocodrilos? (and other problemas si n solucionar del roc kan rol)

Pues si otra vez soy Cesar Romero (manager actual de la banda, por falta de autosuficiencia por el resto del grupo) Se que el saber como son estos niñatos al natural os remueve el estomago, pues...
Posted by Flash Cocodrilos on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 01:59:00 PST

Cesar Romero (hola amiguetes)

Posted by Flash Cocodrilos on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 12:44:00 PST

Pon un cocodrilo en tu vida, Apadrinalos

Ves tu vida como un  tunel sin luz al final...Apadrina una cocodrilo, jovenes en numeros rojos de material escaso aceptan amplis e instrumentos ya no utilizados, si no es el caso siempre les...
Posted by Flash Cocodrilos on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 07:09:00 PST