1. A place for necromancy.
2. An ancient form of mirror gazing that has been popularized by Dr. Raymond Moody, M.D. It has its roots in the oracles of ancient Greece. This type of mirror gazing is used to contact spirits of departed loved ones.The psychomantium is designed to induce an open-eye trance in the viewer, allowing the conscious mind to perceive visual impressions from the subconscious and other realms beyond normal waking perception.
3. Unholy gore-spattered nihilistic Black Metal art... Exclusively.
We are the sound of your flesh shredding upon glass... We are the sound of your muffled pleas as they are wrung from your throat... we are the sound of your skull as it splinters beneath our heels. We are the antidote to your herd-like docile subservience... A storm is brewing upon the horizon...MyGen Profile Generator