Hi. My name is Amber. Most of you already know that though. I graduated from Aptos High school in June of 06 and am now attending Cabrillo College. Not where I was supposed to end up, just a place I landed after last minute changes in plans at my other university. I'm glad I'm there. I get to be with my awesome friends, and meet new friends who live near my home. I am happy with my life right now. I have friends who care about me and are genuine friends.
I also am in a long-term relationship with a man who i love very much that goes by the name of Maxwell. He is the one I wanna spend the rest of my life with, and I hope he feels the same way. He has made my life a very happy one, and I'll be eternally grateful for that. He is more than just a boyfriend, our love goes deeper than that. He is who I would call my Soulmate and One True Love. And I'm lucky that he feels the same way about me. Besides all of that, I just want you to know that we could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors; but they all have to learn to live in the same box.Oh... and I love to talk to people on AIM if you like... I'm always on... just ignore the little mobile sign...my AIM sn is: kermitroxsor if you don't have Aim, email me or IM me on MSN:
[email protected] or on YAHOO IM/email:
[email protected]
Cya!!!Myspace Backgrounds
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MASH (for old time sake)
Created by gntodorovich and taken 218390 times on Bzoink
Number of siblings
First word that comes to mind
Pick a number, any number
You will live in a(n) Mansion
You will marry Current bf/gf
You will have this many kids 3
You will live here US
You will be a(n) Teacher
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What does the opposite sex love about you?
Created by arfal and taken 52677 times on Bzoink
Favorite Number
What makes you irresistable looks
What makes you cute kind heart
What does the opposite like best about you your ass
What is first seen in you by the opposite sex smile
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