Kiwizzle profile picture


If I die a runnin, at least I will die free.

About Me

HEY!!! Want to buyu an awesome shirt? GO HERE: que vous desirez de saisez?

My Interests

Crochet is awesome, i don't know how to knit, but i'm learning. Cats are nice. I like going to the beach, out to movies..i love to hang out with my bestest friend in the whole world..of course. I like to cuddle. And make cookies.and i like... ewe!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone. :) I like people. And I like these little picture things... :D


Iron and Wine, Coheed and Cambria, Interpol, Simon and Garfunkel, Marcy Playground, The Heavy Sleepers, David Gray, Al Green, Stephen Lynch, The Killers, Tegan and Sara, Tom Petty, Björk, The Cars, Scorch, Jeff Beck, Billy Idol, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, The Police, The Beatles, The Who, Frank Zappa, Jethro Tull, Elvis Costello, The Cure, Kansas, Coldplay, Down on Time, Pink Floyd, Oingo Boingo, R.E.M., Bad Apple, Bob Marley and the Wailers, Tenacious D, The Sugarcubes, Stardrunk, The Roots, Smashing Pumpkins, among others.


American Beauty, The Proffessional, Shawshank Redemption, Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremecy, Memento, Garden State,The Boondock Saints, Hero, House of Flying Daggers, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Resevoir Dogs, Donnie Darko, Breakfast Club, Fight Club, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Princess Bride, Run Lola Run, Princess and the Warrior, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, The Fearless Vampire Killers, Lost in Translation, Hearts in Atlantis, Rose Red, Casa Blanca, Aladdin..


CSI!!! I heart Gil Grissom! And Project Runway. And Top Chef now too. I like Marcel!


Suffer the Children, Coldfire, Misery, Perloo the Bold (shut up, I hate you all), Sabriel, Monster, Calvin and Hobbes, SINS OF DECEPTION: a sailing mystery, ha, actually haven't read that one yet. YAY FLEA MARKET BARGAINS!!!I like horror novels, King, Koontz, Saul, all them.


My brothers and Cat Woman.

My Blog


Like OMG dudes, Evan and I are moving into our own apartment on the 11th and it's so exciting so exciting! Utilities are included in the price, it's a one bedroom, full bath, island kitchen deal and w...
Posted by Kiwizzle on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 10:25:00 PST

Man of my dreams!!!

I want to hug you, squeeze you, hold you till I die.Baby Baby, in the words of the great Aaron Neville, yes, I do love you.
Posted by Kiwizzle on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 11:23:00 PST

Summary of my Fourth

Dude, ok, a couple things:I had to work on the fourth and that sort of sucked some balls. I called What's his name to see if he wanted to hang out and go see fire works with me after I got off and he ...
Posted by Kiwizzle on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 06:39:00 PST

Argle Bargle

I'm going through a Ukraine phase. It's fun I suppose. Sergey Shnurov is on my page, as I'm sure you've noticed if you hang around my page long enough to decide to read my blog. Blogs are dumb. Who kn...
Posted by Kiwizzle on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 01:27:00 PST

Know what I hate?

I hate when I act like a hypocrit. I see someone I know (and love) and I'm surprised. I was with my brother.. He doesn't like me talking to this someone so I said "hey, new back pack.. Captain's getti...
Posted by Kiwizzle on Tue, 15 Nov 2005 07:23:00 PST

A Day In the Life

A Day In The Life At the advanced age of 17, together Mitch and Tru were a unique pair. They had been best friends since they had met at a neighboor hood park at the age of 7 and ha...
Posted by Kiwizzle on Sun, 16 Oct 2005 06:46:00 PST

Chocolate Story

Sticky Situation It was a Friday evening and Liam wanted to spend his allowance. He didnt get much, just a dollar, but he knew exactly what he wanted. As he walked out of the house in his co...
Posted by Kiwizzle on Sun, 16 Oct 2005 06:26:00 PST

Damn, that hurt

Sometimes you write things, you write a page or two worth of words and then you just... Highlight and delete. I've got so many thoughts just... being thought, you know? I mean, I'm just sitting here, ...
Posted by Kiwizzle on Sat, 01 Oct 2005 10:30:00 PST


What can I say... Kisses make me smile... Part Passionate Kisser For you, kissing is about all about following your urges If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story ...
Posted by Kiwizzle on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Cardboard cameras..

Who knew you could make a camera out of a leaf? I sure didn't. She looks dead to me. What's that? I smell...Laaaaaaa......zagna... Excellent? I think so. I know what I want, do you know what you wan...
Posted by Kiwizzle on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST