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CLICK HERE! LOVE SPORTS... am down for about anything.. when not working or relaxing at home. Right now my interest are limited being i had to turn the plates in off my car cuz of DUI, only 2 1/2 yrs left till i can drive again then things will be back to normal and i can come and go as i please! :) title="MySpace Comment Codes" border="0" />
COOL MySpace Comments
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OMG... DID U SAY MUSIC... if anyone knows me.. they know i LOVE all music... but LOVE my HIP HOP.. nuttin like bumpin & grindin and droppin it like ITS HOT... LOVE TO DANCE... did someone say Back that Azz up ?? WHAT YA GONNA DO WITH ALL THE JUNK ALL THAT JUNK INSIDE THAT TRUNK :) My daughter's AMBER & AMY Love music like I do..
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MySpace Graphics & MySpace Codes
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Codes
LOVE to watch Comedy's.. of course you should of known.. LOVE TO LAUGH.. dont care for scary ones UNLESS it was scary movie 1 or 2.. my fave was scary movie2... But if it's a comedy i will watch it... But my all time favorite movie is THE BREAKFAST CLUB..." dont mess with the bull cuz you'll get the horns"... " are you done?? Not even close BUD".. Well thats another one. .. how many is that?? lol and if u seen the movie you know the lines from it :)
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Work to much to watch t.v.. but like the reruns of Seinfield. And of course Jerry Springer...lmao.. dont make me go on the show... let alone write a book.. huh Jaime :)a href="" target="_blank"> ..
READ a book... HELL I need to write one ..lmao.. I could write some best sellers on the stuff that has happened to me and when you read it you would say.. Man this author has one hell of an imagination!! IMAGINATION my butt.. that was real life.. only the names have been changed to protect the GUILTY.. LMAO... Hell I could go on " SPRINGER " :) ...anyways...IF and when I ever get my Best Selling Books written and make sure all the names have been changed so no Baby mama's come trying to get Royalities cuz they think that was there PLAYER in my book I will be sure to Let all myspace friends know ...LMAO... :)
My HERO is ME.. for making it through all the BULLSHIT in my life and still surving and comin out on TOP.. for all of you that know me .. You know the shit I have been threw .. The only other person who is my Hero is my MOM for making strong when I thought i was weak... One never knows if there a strong or weak person until GOD has put them to the test... and Lord knows I have been tested and re-tested... and YES I am STRONG .. PROBABLY why I dont put up with much shit from people.. Like i said.. live life to the fullest... you only live once.. might as well have FUN & ENJOY IT.. :)..
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