Summer Dawn profile picture

Summer Dawn

Hope ur days r filled w/sunshine,flowers,& a bagel

About Me

Try the BEST MySpace Editor and MySpace Backgrounds at MySpace Toolbox !Starving Actress in the NYC, Southern gal, you can take the girl out of the south, but not the south out of the gal, quirky and a little on the goofy side, and also painfully shy, have one of those you either love me or hate me personalities, i am who i am , which can be overwhelming, i eat the scenery of life,devoted friend, and dreamer...

My Interests

theater, love to see it, read it, but do have ADD when it comes to getting through a musical, fitness, yoga, running, cycling, weight training, if i could do life over i would love to be into extreme sports, but now im old and worry i might break something, but am training for the NYC marathon, tennis, i love you rodger, baseball, go atlanta, coffee, coffee, coffee, its my only vice left after giving up everything else, im an organic, health nut, treating the bod like a temple after years of abuse, music, guitar, and mandolin, which im still learning, ps im horrible ,havent bought a new cd in years, product of the hippies, i know the lyrics to every song from 1959-1974, anything outdoorsie, which am struggling with here in the land of pavement, the beach, my friends,my bike, its the little bike that could, ill be as good as lance one day, food, my god how i love to eat out!!!! hence all of the running, and exploring nyc

I'd like to meet:

friends, oprah, marilyn monroe, hugh jackman, and rodger federer


lynard skynard, the beatles, led zepplin, rolling stones, jim croche, the doors, fiona apple, rufus wainwright, tori, mazzy star, dolly parton, loretta lynn, patsy cline, june carter, johnny cash, elvis presley, dixie chicks, pearl jam, velvot revolver, guns and roses, metallica, stain, sublime, michael bubble, neil daimond, barry manilow(i cant explain this one, but just love him)


I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !


law and order reruns, reality show junkie


historical fiction, biographies, drama


my mommy, grandmother, and best girlfriend Lee Ann

My Blog

last time

well, kids, never thought this day would get here, its a bit bitter sweet, but its my last opening performance, we have remounted smoke, the original, its opens tonight, im only in it for a bitt, and ...
Posted by Summer Dawn on Thu, 24 May 2007 10:24:00 PST


what bliss, me, my mom,  jager (the obese lab), tiny dancer (butterball of a jack russel, chi, bulldog, god knows what else mutt), cullie cullpepper ( my teacup chi) , sugar (mom's chi, cullie's ...
Posted by Summer Dawn on Wed, 16 May 2007 09:27:00 PST


so started up the new smoke rehearsal today, and not to toot are horns, but we are going to rock!!!  daniel b is directing, and sean is stage managing, the atmosphere is so relaxed, bout time!!!&...
Posted by Summer Dawn on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 09:17:00 PST

summer plans

hey kids, time to update, first me, and the love of my life cullie, are doing great, she's a muffin and a handful, so far her only downside, is when she potties on the carpet cuz she's mad at u for le...
Posted by Summer Dawn on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 08:38:00 PST

Cullie Cullpepper

so its been awhile since i have blogged, things have been going great, homecoming has been going awesome, love it, thats pretty much me life here, getting ready to head back to NYC, have a big auditio...
Posted by Summer Dawn on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 11:47:00 PST

homecoming opening

well, its been a long four weeks, but the day has come upon us, its opening night tomorrow, well i guess tonight since im writing this at 1 am, we had a small preview house tonight, it went pretty wel...
Posted by Summer Dawn on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 11:22:00 PST

tech week

so why have disappeared, dudud...i dont know how to spell that noise, but im entering tech week for Smoke, kids,we open on thursday, so i love u, sorry ive been ignoring u, have been so crazed busy, i...
Posted by Summer Dawn on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 01:37:00 PST

wii is not me

i should have spent the eveing practing f#M, and B7 but instead i spent the last 2 hours with ron and michelle kicking my butt on the Wii, i lost at boxing, baseball, tennis, bowling, and golf, michel...
Posted by Summer Dawn on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 12:14:00 PST

one down, one to go

so wanted to give the update, Ivy Gap opened, this saturday! praise the lord, if i had to rehearse one more day i was going to go nuts, my goal of walking like miss carol irvin seemed to work, and i f...
Posted by Summer Dawn on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 08:26:00 PST

the curse of minnie mouse

its moments like when, i have to play a 50 year old stripper who smokes, and should sound like a bass, that i say why god, oh why, did u bestow me with the voice of a 5 year old, when i do my "low" vo...
Posted by Summer Dawn on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 09:28:00 PST