GraphicDesign by Duke H. profile picture

GraphicDesign by Duke H.

GiVe tHem NotHing but tAkE aLL frOm 'eM!!

About Me

harsh stone white eyes behold bruise baths soak crying bones every days appeal to stop spirit calm on valium hate permeates and fills the air icy clouds the atmosphere illusions pull hair no reaction how was this done it exists by extraction of reason drooling drips the bile of sanity through the thought lines vomiting were even the clock wailed and sped past two tic tic toc in time in the real understanding myself thinking stand back unafraid and unaffected stand back non molested were even down down down again down here in the cracks face hidden cracks harsh stone white even were even

real editor best profile tools

My Interests

my MaC (i 3 u baby), soUnd maChiNes, sLeep, my dOuBLe woRk, TattOos, M&m's at ciNema, GuirAr Hero II, B-MoviES, FinLand 3, shoppiNg at CarLinGs (sO poSh!!), appLe juiCe (=*.*=), ciNNamoN sweetS, tiKies aNd zoMbiEs, fLamEs oN caRS ^___^, tHe aMaziNg 50's, tHe fuCKin 80's, maKe up aND HaiRstyLing

I'd like to meet:

COMMENTS HERE:ThaNx foR the Add. i LoVe u!!


Stoner, CoRe, mEtaL, iNdiE, soUthern, bLuegrAss, surf, gAraGe, pSycHo, rOckabiLLy, pUnk 77, batCave, deAthrock, industRiaL, old schOoL EBM


TaRantiNo, RoDriGueZ, LyNch, ScorSese, CarpeNter, GiLLiaM, aNdeRsoN, LuCas, KuBriCk, jaCksoN, BuRtoN, GraVen, RoCkweLL, mR rOb zOMbiE 3, StoNe, FeLLini, ...


niP & tUck, SiX fEEt uNdeR, Oz, pRisoN bReak, OC, CSI, dOc. HoUse, deSpEratE hOuseWiVes, sMaLLviLLe, daRk aNgeL, X fiLes, tHe gRiffiN, sOutH paRk, thE siMpsoNs, moSt of tHe tOOnS, my NAmE iS eARL


gaiMan, BarKer, PratChett, aDamS, cLarKs, tOLkiEn, sHeLLey, wiLde, bauDeLAiRe, beCkett, OrwELL, paLahNiuK, hoFFmaNN, poE, LoVecRaft, miLtoN, toNs of coMics!!


... cUz tHey'Re tHe stroNgeSt kEepErs of wHat aRe tHe rEaL princiPLes of a LifE: sTand pRoud and stRong; fOr tHe natiOn, foR tHe raCE, fOr tHe beLoved, fOr aLL tHe brOthErs fiGhtiN at yOur sidE.
i really deserve for it