my MaC (i 3 u baby), soUnd maChiNes, sLeep, my dOuBLe woRk, TattOos, M&m's at ciNema, GuirAr Hero II, B-MoviES, FinLand 3, shoppiNg at CarLinGs (sO poSh!!), appLe juiCe (=*.*=), ciNNamoN sweetS, tiKies aNd zoMbiEs, fLamEs oN caRS ^___^, tHe aMaziNg 50's, tHe fuCKin 80's, maKe up aND HaiRstyLing
COMMENTS HERE:ThaNx foR the Add. i LoVe u!!
Stoner, CoRe, mEtaL, iNdiE, soUthern, bLuegrAss, surf, gAraGe, pSycHo, rOckabiLLy, pUnk 77, batCave, deAthrock, industRiaL, old schOoL EBM
TaRantiNo, RoDriGueZ, LyNch, ScorSese, CarpeNter, GiLLiaM, aNdeRsoN, LuCas, KuBriCk, jaCksoN, BuRtoN, GraVen, RoCkweLL, mR rOb zOMbiE 3, StoNe, FeLLini, ...
niP & tUck, SiX fEEt uNdeR, Oz, pRisoN bReak, OC, CSI, dOc. HoUse, deSpEratE hOuseWiVes, sMaLLviLLe, daRk aNgeL, X fiLes, tHe gRiffiN, sOutH paRk, thE siMpsoNs, moSt of tHe tOOnS, my NAmE iS eARL
gaiMan, BarKer, PratChett, aDamS, cLarKs, tOLkiEn, sHeLLey, wiLde, bauDeLAiRe, beCkett, OrwELL, paLahNiuK, hoFFmaNN, poE, LoVecRaft, miLtoN, toNs of coMics!!
... cUz tHey'Re tHe stroNgeSt kEepErs of wHat aRe tHe rEaL princiPLes of a LifE: sTand pRoud and stRong; fOr tHe natiOn, foR tHe raCE, fOr tHe beLoved, fOr aLL tHe brOthErs fiGhtiN at yOur sidE.
i really deserve for it