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Christopher Calloway

Success is a blessing...Pay it forward!

About Me

I experienced a life changing moment when my Father and best friend Luther Calloway died 11/30/2007. My Dad was an incredible role model who I loved and respected more than words can express. Helping care for him during the last six months of his life was the most rewarding time of my life. After his death, I decided to put my insurance and financial services business on hold and volunteer with the hospice agency that cared for my Dad. I have since accepted a position in marketing and sales for a major hospice consulting company and travel around the Country helping the people who are on the frontlines in providing end of life care for dying patients and their families. More importantly, I found my mission, and lifes work that I feel called to do. Through helping others appreciate living in the moment and enjoying the gift of life I am truely fufilled.
I am a Licensed Insurance Agent and Mortgage Advisor. I am the President of Calloway Financial Group, LLC. A Florida based independent financial services company providing, life and health insurance, annuities, investments and mortgage loans.
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My Interests

I Enjoy Helping People Change Their Lives.
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How Can You Pay It Forward?




My Blog

Proud of America for the first time?

A friend sent this to me today, if it is true, she's on point&An Elderly Woman Responds on Michelle Obama and Reverend Wright (be sure to read through to the bottom part...especially good but don't sk...
Posted by Christopher Calloway on Thu, 29 May 2008 07:44:00 PST

Special New Years message for you

In the days between Christmas and New Years the world seems to slow down. The frantic activities of preparation and anticipation are replaced with the mixed measures of satisfaction, relief and d...
Posted by Christopher Calloway on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 10:10:00 PST

Protect Your Dream

One of the most rewarding aspects of being a mortgage professional is seeing people realize the dream of homeownership and or seeing them attain financial goals by using home equity. While the majorit...
Posted by Christopher Calloway on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 11:56:00 PST

Why I do What I do (true story)

Several weeks ago I met a young lady at a church I visit who had a friendlysmile and an incredible singing voice. She was 37 years old, a single Motherof two, in school, working full time and actively...
Posted by Christopher Calloway on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 08:14:00 PST

...Check this out

Question: What is your largest asset? Cash in bank, stock portfolio, real estate, business, cars?Answer: I would contend your ability to earn money is among your greatest assets. Reason why I say ...
Posted by Christopher Calloway on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 08:40:00 PST