DANTONIOLAND profile picture



About Me

I'm a hard-boiled cynic, and an incurable romantic. I HATE phonies and posers, which has made a career in show business extremely difficult.I believe in hard work.I've earned a living working on Low-Budget Horror Movies, Broadcast News, Independent Film, and Reality Shows.When I'm not working my "day job" I spend all my free time working on my own projects.This year I will be Directing a small horror movie from a script I wrote. Can't wait.I am an American, working in New York City where I was originally born.I grew up in the suburbs on Long Island, but have visited (or worked in) Japan, London, Italy, Arizona, New Mexico, Seattle, Utah, Colorado, Florida, West Virginia, North Carolina, Connecticut, Washington D.C. Chicago, and upstate New York.I have always loved movies, and try to watch at least one movie a day - preferably one I haven't seen before.Finally, there is the 1968 Chevy Camaro aka 'that damn car'....Sorry I can't think of anything better to put in here but I'm really better at writing fiction.
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Filmmaking, movies, vintage muscle cars, history, art and music. Did I mention movies?

I'd like to meet:

Creative folk. Artists, Writers, Actors and Musicians.People in Film and Video production who would like to collaborate. Need to meet other movie fanatics too. ...Ya see, I gotta talk about movies as much as possible.


Old Punk Rock - The Clash - Elvis Costello - The Ramones - The Sex Pistols - David Bowie - Funk from the early 70s - George Clinton Parlament Funkadelic - Classic Rock - Elton John - The Beatles - Jimi Hendricks - The Beach Boys - The Rolling Stones - Led Zeppelin - Motown - Stevie Wonder - The Supremes - The Temptations - The Four Tops - Marvin Gaye - Smokey Robinson and The Miracles - girl groups from the 60s - U2 - The Beatie Boys - some Counrty - Hank Williams Sr. - Loretta Lynn - Johnny Cash - Elvis Presley - John Lee Hooker - Frank Sinatra - Dean Martin - Sammy Davis Junior - The Rat Pack - Nat King Cole


I'm often asked "What is your favorite movie?" I have no answer. I think there are so many great movies that I would have to break them into categories, and even then, to pick one from each category would be impossible. I'd have to list my TOP 5 BOXING MOVIES, TOP 5 MUSICALS, TOP 5 LOVE STORIES, TOP 5 SPACE MOVIES, TOP 5 CAR CHASE MOVIES, TOP 5 VAMPIRE MOVIES etc. etc.Even then I would have to split the categories into NEW ERA , CLASSIC, AMERICAN, ASIAN, ENGLISH, GERMAN, then split these categories again into BLACK and WHITE and COLOR SUB-categories.You get the idea. Sorry can't list them all that would be enough for a lifetime of conversations. Here are some to get the conversation going: - Fight Club - The Empire Strikes Back - Chinatown - Paths of Glory - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly - The Bicycle Thief - The Shawshank Redemption - Memento - Star Wars - Dracula - Singin' In The Rain – Rushmore - Miller's Crossing - American History X - Eyes Without a Face - Planet of The Apes (1968) - The Magnificent Seven - Taxi Driver - Rear Window - Rosemary's Baby - Innerspace - The Searchers - Raiders of the Lost Ark - 2001: A Space Odyssey - Champion - Psycho - Annie Hall - Yojimbo - The Thing From Another World (1951) - The Thing (1982) - Some Like It Hot - Schindler's List – Throne of Blood - Goodfellas - The Sweet Smell of Success - The Odd Couple - Betty Blue - West Side Story - Roshamon - The Godfather - Manhunter - A Clockwork Orange - Duck Soup - Lethal Weapon - Raging Bull - Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Kahn - Casablanca - Forest Gump - Citizen Kane - She Wore A Yellow Ribbon - Apocalypse Now - Blood of Dracula - Pulp Fiction - Magnum Force - Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Touch of Evil - Wings Of Desire - To Kill A Mockingbird - Seven - Night Of the Hunter - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) - The Professional - The Deer Hunter - Patton - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - High Noon - The Best Years Of Our Lives - Dr. Strangelove - His Girl Friday - Platoon - Rocky - Die Hard - The Exorcist - The Big Lebowski - Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979) - The Taking of Pelham 123 - Chinatown - American Psycho - Black Hawk Down - Minority Report - 12 Monkeys -Mad Max - The Stunt Man - Taxi Driver - All About Eve - Brazil - The Day The Earth Stood Still - The Blues Brothers


A MUCH shorter list: Dexter - Futurama - Monty Python's Flying Circus - Entourage - The Simpsons - Twilight Zone - Roseanne - Law & Order (original version)- Sunday Morning Shootout - Seinfeld - Dinner For Five - Star Trek (the original series) M*A*S*H re-runs. Anything on Turner Classic Movies


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Catch 22 - Carrie - The Catcher in the Rye - Fahrenheit 451 - The Shining - 1984 - On The Road - Christine - In Cold Blood - Salem's Lot


Rod Serling - Bobby Kennedy - Martin Scorsese - Lenny Bruce - Orson Welles - Brock Yates - Howard Hughes - Teddy Roosevelt - Alfred Hitchcock - Bruce Willis - Sergio Leone - Frank Lloyd Wright